Lucas County ARES is split into two different organizations operating under one name. The volunteer organization is led by Emergency Coordinator, Vern Snow W8VHS. Assistant Emergency Coordinators are appointed to assist in various tasks within the volunteer organization. Below is a listing of their contact information and job duties.

Area of Responsibility Assistant EC Name Contact Info
Logistics Jim Smith KE8IJU [email protected]
Education Michael Lacumsky W8MAL [email protected]
Skywarn Tim Gray KD8IZU [email protected]
Hospital Radios Rich King KE8IJV [email protected]
AREDN Mesh Chrissy Hart KC8UFV [email protected]
Membership Michael Lacumsky W8MAL [email protected]
Volunteer Examiner Testing Chrissy Hart KC8UFV [email protected]
Events Chairman Rick Sharpe K8RKS [email protected]

Lucas County ARES, Inc (the business part of LCARES) is overseen by a board of 8 "At-Large-Trustees". Four elected officials are chosen each year to serve a 2 year term. The current Lucas County Emergency Coordinator is an ex-offico member of the board. The job of the trustees is to regularly review our bylaws and to increase our effectiveness and represent the organization, it's membership, and the county effectively. Annual elections are typically held in the fall of each year. In order to serve as a Lucas County ARES Trustee, you must be at least 18 years of age, must be a licensed amateur radio operator in good standing with the FCC, and must be a registered member of Lucas County ARES, also in good standing. To contact the Board of Trustees, please Email Us

The Current "At-Large-Trustees" of LCARES, Inc. are as follows:

Trustee Name/Position FCC Callsign Term Date
James Smith - President KE8IJU 2023-2025
Michael Lacumsky - Vice President W8MAL 2023-2025
Richard King - Secretary/Treasurer KE8IJV 2023-2025
Rod Unger - Trustee KB8OTP 2023-2025
Vern Snow - Emergency Coordinator W8VHS Appointed
Brent Stover - Statutory Agent WD8PNZ Appointed
Chrissy Hart - Trustee KC8UFV 2024-2026
Rick Sharpe - Trustee K8RKS 2024-2026
Ryan Carson - Trustee KE8OCH 2024-2026
Richard Cummins - Trustee KE8KXT 2024-2026

Trustees, Board Members, and Lucas County ARES members receive no compensation for their service (no FCC licensed Amateur Radio operator may do so). 

It is beneficial to also have passed certain FEMA courses (ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-700, and ICS-800) at a minimum.

Certain drills and events may also require you to be at least 18 years of age, require additional security clearances and background checks, and/or specific knowledge that may be applicable to the served agency. Specific ARES members may be chosen and deployed to assist a served agency depending on their training, knowledge, equipment and capabilities.