Lucas County Skywarn is overseen by Skywarn Coordinator Tim Gray KD8IZU. At any time that the National Weather Service issues a Severe Thunderstorm Watch/Warning, Tornado Watch/Warning or any other time the National Weather Service requests, the Lucas County Skywarn Net will become active. If you are a licensed ham and have an interest in participating, please contact Tim.

The Net proceedures have changed. See the links below for the current protocols. The Colored net status has gone by the wayside in an effort to fall in line with a "plain language" model that NIMS and ICS promotes.
Net Script

Net Guidelines

Skywarn ICS 214


Condition RED

Active Tornado Warning. Maintain radio silence unless you have a wall cloud (rotating or non-rotating), funnel cloud, tornado, or a life or death emergency.

Condition YELLOW

Active Severe Thunderstorm Warning. Directed net. Report only if weather phenomenon meets severe criteria, as defined by the NWS.

Condition GREEN

Maintaining a state of readiness; no active warnings. Normal use of repeater/frequency may exist, but longer breaks between transmissions should be taken to allow for break-in for a Weather Alert, should it be needed.

Current Watches and Warnings

Each Month on the First Friday, the Lucas County Skywarn Training Net is held at 11:30am on the 147.270.
All ham radio operators from ANY county that can hit the repeater are welcome to check-in to the net.

Please note that this is a training net!  All hams can and should become familiar with Net Control operations. Please contact the Net Manager to get your name on the list to become a net control - as it is a perfect forum to train as a net controller. In Northwest Ohio during severe weather, the National Weather Service is actively looking for our feedback. This net is designed to help you become comfortable in running a net in a severe weather type of situation with several check-ins.

Siren Training Net Preamble and Script

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our Skywarn Coordinator. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.