Power amplifiers for "lazy builders"
You hate complicated machine work? Strip lines and other specifically VHF/UHF "stupidities" drive you crazy? You don't have PTFE sheet? You want to build VHF/UHF power amplifier but you are too lazy to deal with complicated mechanical works? You don't like to read text given in article together with schematic and layout diagrams? You are very good and experienced PA builder, although others don't think so? If amplifier works, credit goes to you, if don't, blame goes to others? You don't want to waste your talents on ordinary PA designs? If it is so, you are on the right place, and these designs are "your cup of tea"!
Important notes:
All connections between RF parts, and also connections to ground MUST BE as short as possible! This is VHF, not HF, in spite that designs may looks like HF! Hi! See mechanical layout of PA designs below!
1xGI7B or 1xGI46B 6m+4m Lazy Builders Duobander PA New!
1xGS35B 6m+4m Lazy Builders Duobander PA New!
1xGI46B 2m Lazy Builders PA Data New
Built by Victor, W4VAS GI46B-2M.zip
2xGI46B 2m Lazy Builders PA Data New
1xGI7B 2m Lazy Builders PA 1 2 3
Built by Ratko, YU1NR
Built by Tony, CT1FUU
Built by: Ljubiša, E73LM
Built by: Zoran, YT5VA
2xGI7B 2m Lazy Builders PA 1 2 3
Built by Saša, YU1EO
Built by Glenn VK4BG
Built by Ljubiša, E73LM
Built by Zoran, YT5VA
1xGS31B 2m Lazy Builders PA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Built by Carey, KC5GTT
Built by Ljubiša, E73LM
2xGS31B 2m Lazy Builders PA 1 2 3
1xGS35B 2m Lazy Builders PA New
PA Buiding: gs35b ok1gth.PDF PA Measurements: mereni2.pdf
Built and measured by Tomáš, OK1GTH
Built by Ljubiša, E73LM
2xGS35B 2m Lazy Builders PA New
Built by Leif, OZ6ABA
1x8877 2m Lazy Builders PA 1 2
1x4CX1500A 2m Lazy Builders PA 1 2 3 New
Built by Vlatko, 9A9R
1x4CX1500B 2m Lazy Builders PA 1
Built by Željko, 9A3RU
Built by Fica, YU7AA
1xGU34B 2m Lazy Builders PA
Built by Fica, YU7AA
1xGU78B 2m Lazy Builders PA
1xGU84B 2m Lazy Builders PA
50 MHz
1x4CX1500B 6m Lazy Builders PA 1 2 3 New
Built by: Vlatko, 9A9R
70 MHz
1xGS31B 2m Lazy Builders PA
Built by Rhys, GW4RWR