DC4ML: Analyzing received mode allocation for qsstv

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Are you qsstv-user and curious about which modes you are received and in what relationship to each other?

If you search for it on the Internet, you basically only find that in North America Scottie is used predominantly, while in Europe Martin is used. So what could be more obvious than evaluating the pictures that I received myself?

I wrote a Bash script which i called modestat , to analyzes the images in the rx_sstv folder and displays statistics. Would you like to know which modes your partners are working with? Then just download the script!

termgraph must be installed on your system for this to work. If this is not the case, you can find installation instructions here , it's very easy.

Next step is to download my script , then execute the following commands in a terminal:

cd Download (or where ever you put your downloads in)
chmod +x modestat.sh
sudo mv modestat.sh /usr/local/bin/modestat

If you save the received images in the qsstv default directory which is /home/your_user_name/qsstv/rx_sstv , no further adjustments to the script are required. Open a terminal and simply type:


If you use a directory other than the one specified above, open the script with an editor and adjust line 43. You also change the colors of the bars in line 47. modestat generates file sstv_mode.txt and store it in $RX_SSTV_DIR , the value in line 43, remember? Do you know the movie "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" ?

Deep Thought had been built by its creators to give the answer to the "Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything" , which, after eons of calculations, was given simply as "42". Coincidentally, in line 42 of the script there is a comment that says the following and should therefore be the answer to the question above:
# customize your qsstv rx_sstv directory

Each time modestat is called, a copy of the previous datafile is created with the name sstv_mode_yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss.txt These files are evaluated and displayed with the following call (assuming qsstv default configuration for rx_sstv directory) at a later date, :

cd qsstv/rx_sstv
ls *.txt
# copy filename to examinine into clipboad
modestat {paste clipboard here}

You should get something in format sstv_mode_yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss.txt from clipboard, hopefully. And don't forget to make qsstv storing received images!