W.I.A. WA.  Post Office Box 10, West Perth, Western Australia, 6872. - Email: [email protected]  -  http://www.wia.org.au/vk6
Wireless Institute of Australia - Western Australian Division
Western AustraliaWestern Australian Minutes - Last Month
Minutes of Council Meeting - July 2003
Held at CWA House, Hay St., West Perth
The meeting commenced at 7.40pm with the President Neil VK6NE in the Chair. 

Neil VK6NE, Mal VK6LC, Neil VK6BDO, Trevor VK6HTW, 
Dennis VK6KAD, Cliff VK6LZ, Tony VK6TS, Christine VK6ZLZ, 
Eddie VK6ZSE, Ex Officio Bruce VK6OO & Roy VK6XV.

The minutes of the May meeting were read out by the President and were accepted by VK6LC/VK6XV 

1.1 Business arising: Nil.


2.1 Correspondence In 

2.1.1 Three membership applications, received and given to Christine. 

2.1.2.A few survey replies have been received and passed to Dennis VK6KAD.

2.1.3 An out of date cheque received for an exam.

2.1.4 From Trident Insurance Brokers, requesting detail update so Insurer can calculate the Premium for this year.

*** Action Cliff VK6LZ.

2.1.5 A letter and cheque for $1000 received from the SEANET Convention treasurer Eddie VK6AEA.

* VK6LC said the $1000 was advanced as "seed capital" to the group to get the Convention off the ground on the assumption that if a profit ensued, then the money was expected to be returned.

* VK6HTW Chairman of the SEANET Committee reported that the event had been costed with a 50 head break even point and 80 had turned up. 

Council accepted the cheque with thanks.

2.2 Correspondence Out 

2.2.1 The Secretary has written to Bill VK6ZX confirming the Kalgoorlie team's appointment as Examiners for Amateur Examinations.

2.2.2 To Jason asking him to contact Bill VK6ZX to arrange his amateur exam.

2.2.3 The secretary has sent the "Form 1" complete with the Common Seal, notifying the Federal office of the change of Federal Councillor to Trevor VK6HTW, and also the form to have the retiring Federal Councillor, Will VK6UU removed from the position

The following were hand delivered to the ACA.

2.2.4 The Secretary has written to the ACA confirming compliance with the band plan for the application from the Mid West AR Group in Geraldton for the new repeater licence VK6ROO 146.775 MHz at Geraldton. 

2.2.5 Also to the ACA reference the Geraldton AR Group and the renewal of the licences for the refurbished Geraldton VK6RGN and Northampton VK6RNR repeaters to be put back into service.

2.2.6 The Secretary has written to the ACA confirming compliance with the band plan for the application from the WA VHF Group for Beacon frequencies.


3.1 Treasurer Bruce VK6OO: 

3.1.1 Bruce requested approval for payment of the following items: 

     P28 QSL Contra      $ 16-00
     P29 CWA Room Hire June     $ 33-00
     P30 Members Subs Renewal contra for Federal $ 71-00
     P31 Rent for Scout Hall for 6 Months for Courses $300-00
     P32 CWA Room Hire July     $ 33-00
     P33 Telstra Phone - Membership & Website  $120-60
     P34 Telstra Phone - Secretary & Helpline  $160-00
     P35 New Members subs contra for Federal   $ 65-00
     P36 NCRG Exam Fee Contra     $ 60-00
     P37 QSL Bureau Contra     $ 25-00

Passed VK6LZ/VK6NE

3.2 Broadcast Officer Dennis VK6KAD

Dennis reported that there were no problems with content, but that last week there was one unexplained transmitter fault and this week there were two drop-outs probably due to lightning but the reception was OK when taken direct. 

3.3 Membership Christine VK6ZLZ: 
Christine reported that there are three new applications for membership; 

* VK6WB Mahendra Gusti of Glendalough 
* VK6YBN Bob Blumfelds of Koondoola 
* VK6HDC Douglas Clarkson of Marangaroo 

Proposed VK6ZLZ/VK6ZSE carried. 

The above members were warmly welcomed. 

Christine has reported some changes of address to the Federal office but she has not received the June update from them.

3.4 Federal Councillor VK6HTW: 

3.4.1 The Federal office has reported that they will increase the Federal component of all subscriptions by $3-00 from January 1st 2004, 

New (F grade) Federal component    $61-85 
New (G grade) Federal component    $57-00 
New (X grade) Federal component    $29-85 

This would mean that the VK6 Division subs should rise by $3-00 however Councill have already agreed that VK6 will absorb this increase.

Therefore the total subscription for 2004 in VK6 will remain at 

F grade (full)                          $71-00 
G grade (Pension/Student)    $65-00 
X grade (No AR Magazine)  $39-00 

3.4.2 Jim VK3PC has sent Federal Councillors a list of problems with the 2003 Call-book these were discussed by Council, some were agreed with, in particular the weight should be kept under 500 grams to because of postal costs.

3.5 Education Officer Neil VK6BDO: 

Neil reported on the amateur courses and exams.

4 General Business: 

4.1. Dennis VK6KAD reported on the Entry Level Survey, see attachment 1.

4.2. Trevor VK6HTW reported on the Northern Suburbs exam service.

4.3. Roy VK6XV is heading up north for 5 weeks so gives apologies for the next meeting (may be found on 14.116 & 8.022).

Roy is to ring Federal to confirm Invigilator number so that he can conduct an exam in Broome.

4.4. Malcolm VK6LC reported that he had meet with Ernie VK1LK in Canberra on June 19th to discuss the Federal Awards 

VK6 has offered to host the Federal Awards web pages, because the Federal website has hit a funding problem, the idea is to have a link from the Federal website to the VK6 website, this will mean an increase in cost because more disk space at our internet service providers server is needed, it should not cost too much.

A sub-committee has been set up to report back at the next meeting.

*** Action VK6LC, VK6LZ, VK6ZLZ & VK6ZSE.

4.4.1. Mal said that he is going to the Maldives and will be 8Q7LC operating in the World wide IARU HF (ITU Zones) contest 12-13 July 2003., the rest of the time he will be taking in the sun and scenery.

4.5 Neil VK6NE discussed the cost of the ACA issuing the VI call sign for special events, for instance to apply for VI6NE would be an extra charge of $38-00 on top of the $54-60 already paid for the VK, and the VI would only last for a few days.

4.6 There followed a discussion on the current mast case before Joondalup Council.

4.7. Cliff VK6LZ reminded Council that the Insurance is due to be paid before the next Council meeting so limited payment authority is required. A limit of $2,500-00 was provisionally agreed, if more have a ring around Council.

Mal VK6LC reported that David VK6WT is in Sir Charles Gardener Hospital having had a kidney removed, Council moved to send a get well card. 
*** Action Roy.

Meeting Closed at 10.05 pm

Next meeting 5/8/2003.

VK6NE (President) ......................… VK6LZ (Min Sec) …................ 
 Email:  [email protected]    or    Packet:  VK6WIA@VK6BBR

Attachment 1. VK6 Division, Entry Level Survey Report.pdf

NOTE: Use the .pdf version, if you intend to print this file.

July Minutes.pdf

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