To find a topic on this page, use <F3>
Q: Why do I have the wrong date in some of my QSOs ?
A: Win 11 users report that the Win 11 system clock default format is set to YYYY-MM-DD. It must MM-DD-YY for VHFLOG.
Go here to fix this - or Google it.
Q: Can I import WSJT QSOs into VHFLOG?
A: Yes, read this Help file section to find out how.
VHFLOG v4.0 and newer support Win8/10 and require a new installation regardless of your OS.
After installing v4.0 or newer, you can get the latest revision at any time. Always check the revisions history for new functions.
VHFLOG is installed to the same folder as earlier versions of the software - C:\vhflog32 - so all your logs can be accessed as before.
A detailed VHFLOG installation is HERE.
Some users might have difficulty with their browser downloading software - the mouse pointer doesn't change to a hand pointer.
If so, try a different browser - Firefox for example.
If you don't like Firefox, just use it for web downloads, don't set it to your default browser.
Or - right-click a link and select {Save Link As...} or {Save Target as...}.
Save the Install file to your HD, then run it `As an Administrator`.
If an error occurs when you run the program you get a ...ocx or other file missing or not correctly registered... or run-time error 50003... right-click the VHFLOG shortcut icon and select "Run as administrator".
Q: When installing VHFLOG on a Win10 or Win11 computer and a pop-up message displays "Component COMCTL32.OCX or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid", what can I do.
A: 1. Make sure you first installed the v4.5 Windows installer.
2. Try right-clicking the VHFLOG shortcut icon and select "Run as administrator".
3. Go to this site and read how to register the OCX.
4. If that doesn't work, in File Manager, go to the C:\VHFLOG32 folder and do right mouse-click on the VHFLOG32.exe file and select Properties. Select the Compatibility Tab, select check-box for Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows 8. Apply.
The Microsoft WinHelp32 Help file may not open in new OS. Select the use of the HTML version. Read this.
Q: Why does the new Windows installer use the c:\vhflog32 folder by default?
A: The JGS DeployMaster software is set to install in the default folder used by VHFLOG for decades.
1) This prevents browsers from setting the install folder to the User`s desktop, which is a disaster.
2) Shortcuts are created by the installer which eliminates the confusion about `where the software is`.
3) All future VHFLOG updates are to set the same folder by default.
4) Or - you can select the `Advanced Options Installation` button to install the software and updates to a different folder, but you need to select this folder each time you get an update..
Q: The VHFLOG icon is in the taskbar but I can`t get it to run, why?
A: The logger may have been closed with the logging screen minimized, which saves the position for next use.
This has been fixed recently, but you have to get the logger up on the screen first. Hover the mouse over the taskbar icon, then move the mouse up to the mini-screen that pops up. Right-mouse to display the menu, select Maximize. Then grab VHFLOG`s blue title bar and move it. Now you can move the window and upper-right X to save its position. With the new revision, if you turn off the PC or restart it with the logger in the minimized location, the minimized settings will not be saved.
More hints are below.
Q: Why do I get a run-time error when I do a lookup using right-mouse click on a QSO?
A: Possibly you don't have the path to your browser set correctly, using the File, Set path to Browser .exe menu.
Q: What if I just want the bands that I operate filled into the `Bands Needed` field?
A: Open the {StationBands.txt} file using the View menu and edit it to contain the bands you have. The text file format is each band on one line, ex:
Editing the {StationBands.txt} file and saving it turns ON the use of this feature. If not working, try exiting the logger and re-starting it.
Q: I made the {StationBands.txt} file, why doesn`t the `Bands Needed` list fill when I enter a callsign?
A: The `Bands Needed` data comes from the {LOGSORT.dat} lookup file, or from the {VHF-History.txt} file if that option is selected. Logsort initially came with the VHFLOG32 installation file, but you may have deleted/re-named it. You can make your own {LOGSORT.dat} file from your past VHFLOG logs using the supplied application {LOGSORT.exe}. If you live in the N.E. part of the US, you are welcome to use my datafiles, which are updated periodically from high scoring PackRat logs. Extract the file(s) that you want to the c:\vhflog32 folder. To see the changes, run the logger after getting the update.
Q: Will VHFLOG run in Linux?
A: Yes, users report that it does run in Linux using the Wine software. Possibly the third party video re-sizing control I use is not supported in Linux/Wine. Make sure times saved to the log are in correct format. The time format can have suppressed zeros. ex: VHFLOG`s clock may show 01:23 as 1:23. I don`t know if this is a Linux time format setup issue or Wine. While in VHFLOG, set the system clock to an hour after midnight and check the clock display. Save a QSO to the log at 0123 for example to verify that it is working correctly.
Q: Why can I enter a dupe QSO?
A: Dupe QSOs in the log are just 0-pointers when the sponsor scores the log. Make sure you enter rover callsigns as call/R - the Q will not be a dupe if you enter a different exchange. With the increased use of sponsor log cross-checking, and the fact that the station may not have previously logged you, it is advisable to work a dupe station when requested. Also, it is easier to just continue and work that station. Do not remove dupe QSOs from your log.
Q: When I enter a QSO, I get a `Run-time error 70 - permission denied` Why?
A: Is your log file set to read only? In Explorer, right-mouse the log file and Select Properties and change it. Re-load the file into VHFLog to try again. If you burn a CD-ROM to install the logger on a non-networked PC, you may need to change the read-only properties of folders or files.
Logger memory set for 2500 QSOs:
This logger has a 2500 QSO limit, which
seems sufficient. If more space is needed for multi-op log merging, let me know.
Callsign information lookup:
When you enter a callsign, if that station is in any lookup datafile, the information is displayed - bands used, grid square, name etc.
Quick band change:
As it was from day 1, enter the new band in the callsign input - first 2 numerals works - 14, 43, 23.
Entering QSOs into the log:
All of my loggers use the <Enter> and <Space> keys to accept QSO data in all fields.
You need a way to move from field to field without using the mouse. The <Tab> key is
used to move between fields.
Changing the last QSO in the log:
If you just <Entered> a QSO into the log on the wrong band for example, make a mental note of the station`s grid first. <Enter> `DL` to delete
the last QSO. Change to the correct band. <Enter> `L` for last, and continue. `DL` and `L` are commands you will use often.
Working the last station(s) in the log:
As you work stations up the bands, use `S` for same call. When working a station and tailgaters up the bands use `L/L1`, `L2`, `L3` and `L4` to recall the last, next to the last, 3rd and 4th callsigns respectively. This is a great time saver.
To open the HELP file in newer OS:
Microsoft no longer ships WinHelp with newer OS - so my help file may not open from the Help menu.
1. You can get the WinHlp32.exe file from Microsoft`s WinHlp32 page. The -x86 file is for 32-bit OS and -x64 is for 64-bit OS. My older WinHelp file look nicer, but the internet links do not work in newer OS.
2. Or - select the HTML help format from the Help menu. The internet links will work from this help file. On newer OS, this .chm version may not open. This is a Microsoft security issue. Do right-mouse, Properties on the VHFLOG2.chm file and select `unblock`. Unfortunately, you may need to `unblock` the .chm file after downloading an updated version.
3. Or - read the web page HTML help file here and search for a topic using <Ctrl> + F.
Files auto-open:
Copy (not move) NotePad or EditPad to the logging folder to allow `auto-open` of files written by the logger.
Don`t forget to log the QSO:
Forgetting to enter a QSO can cause NIL for the other station! You can set the logger to accept the QSO into the log after you enter the grid. Don`t <Enter> the grid until you hear QSL from the other station. This option is purposely not saved to the Ini file.
The use of WSJT has increased the numner of NILs in logs. Many stations quit the QSO sequence after they send RR. Always log a QSO if you get RR or RR73.
Q: Can I delete the first QSO (a test QSO) at the beginning of a contest, then continue without program problems or errors?
A: In versions v3.53 and later you can, no problem.
Q: Is there a way to log WSJT QSOs?
A: Yes, always check the revisions history for new functions.
Or read help on WSJT QSOs.
Q: Is there an easier way to see what bands I worked stations on besides entering the callsign?
A: 1) If you enter the full call, the normal dupe checker takes over, and QSOs worked so far are displayed.
2) Or, to get around the dupe pop-up, enter a partial call. Ex: to see where you worked WA3EHD, enter WA3E or WA3EH.
3) Pack Rat members can select the View Checklist menu.
Q: Why do Num Lock and Caps Lock change states when I am logging?
A: It is something in Microsoft`s VB code. Fix: Turn off Num Lock and Caps Lock before running the logger and it works OK.
Q: How can I back-up my LOG files during a contest?
A: There is no reason why you should ever lose contest LOG data. You can have several files
available that contain your QSOs.
[file.LGG] is the normal logging file. Each QSO is saved to the logging folder immediately after entering it.
An auto-saved file [file.LGG] is written to the back-up drive you selected in the set-up screen (or under the File menu while logging). The use of a USB drive is recommended.
If you want the backup USB device to have a persistant drive letter:
1. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu.
2. Select Disk Management.
3. Right-click the USB drive on the list and select Change Drive Letter and Paths.
4. Click the Change button.
5. Use the drop-down menu and select the drive letter you want to use. Choosing
a letter from M to Z will insure it will not conflict with other devices.
Limited use files:
Back-up files not using the .LGG extension: rename the file and use the .LGG extension.
[file.BAK] is the manually saved BU file. It only has the QSOs up to that point however.
[file.BU1] is the logging file saved before editing in VHFLOG. It also only has the QSOs up to that point.
If a glitch erases or corrupts your normal LOG file, you should have no problem
using a back-up file (starting with the .LGG log on your back-up drive). Know how to use the back-up files before contesting.
Q: When I click a log file in the setup screen, why is a {file/path error 75} or similar error displayed ?
A: If the log file somehow gets set to `Read Only` - or the path to the file is changed - this causes an error to be generated. Exit the logger. Make sure you are using a
valid shortcut to the logger. Then right-mouse the log file in Explorer and Select Properties, check for read-only and change it if necessary.
Q: How do I see/edit the Log, the Cabrillo Log and summary files?
A: You can edit the log file while in VHFLOG by clicking the {Edit LOG} button. In Explorer, log files have the extension .lgg and summary files have the .sum extension. Double-click the file in Explorer to open it. The log files are in space delimited format with columns and must be in the same format after editing/saving the file. Alternately, VHFLOG will open the Cabrillo [urCall.log] and summary [urCall.sum] files when you write them, if you have either NotePad or EditPad copied to your VHFLOG folder.
Note: The log editor does not re-calculate QSOs per band or re-calculate the distance when a grid is changed in a Sprint Contest. The editor is simply an editor. However, it will re-count the number of new multipliers when a multiplier is changed.
Q: I downloaded the latest VHFLOG revision file and extracted the files, but I still have a previous version - Why?
The default folder to VHFLOG is c:\vhflog32, but you may have installed it elsewhere. So, if you extracted the update files to the folder pointed to by a shortcut and have this version problem - this is why.
Also - Using a desktop shortcut that you made by dragging the .exe to the desktop can cause this problem. Make a proper shortcut.
Q: Can I re-size the Windows to full screen video?
A: Yes. Microsoft`s VB doesn`t allow re-sizing Windows, but I use a third party re-sizing control that allows this - not sure about Win98/98SE. The size/position settings are saved on most screens. Grid square maps also have a font change feature. I found the third-party ActiveResize control FAQ and modified the main form so all graphics cards should produce the expected screen re-sizing.
Q: Why is the grids worked grid square map blank?
A: A blank grid square map means the datafile is missing (or has 0 bytes). VHFLOG uses the,, and datafiles - which are available in the VHFLOG update file - or in this zipped archive. Select by `Type` and extract the file(s) you want to the logger`s folder.
Also - Using a desktop shortcut that you made by dragging the .exe to the desktop can certainly cause this problem. Make a proper shortcut.
Q: I did not have the UTC hour offset set correctly. All the QSOs in my log are off by 1 hour. Is there an easy way to edit the times?
A: Yes. Use the supplied application UTCTime post contest to adjust the log by X hours,
either plus or minus. Sorry only the hour can be changed (and NOT THE DATES around UTC midnite - requires manual edit in NotePad).
My loggers have an auto UTC offset function that looks at the PC`s system clock. In the system clock setup, sychronize your PC`s clock to the correct time automatically by setting the Internet Time setup to `` or ``. Verify the UTC time and UTC offset each time you run the logger.
Standard Time/Daylight Saving Time changes:
When your local time changes twice a year and you are logging, the UTC offset will not change. The selected and/or loaded UTC offset at program start will be wrong when your local time changes. You must exit the logger and restart the program to update the UTC offset. If you made QSOs right after the hour change before you re-start the logger, you need to adjust the time in your log for those QSOs.
Q: The logging screen flickers every second when the UTC time label is updated. What can I do?
A: Use the Option menu and select HH:MM instead.
Q: It seems that the UTC time display update makes the CW timing fluctuate. What can I do?
A: Use the Option menu and select to `turn off` the UTC time update during CW.
Q: Can I use VHFLOG in the Multi-Op category?
A: VHFLOG does not have networking capability, but you can merge several log files (from other PCs) post contest and submit a Multi-Op Cabrillo log to the contest
sponsor. Read about this in the Help file.
Q: Why not have an interface between the station and VHFLOG to automatically change bands?
A: --- This function has not been updated or tested on Win10 or Win11 PC's. ---
Many stations have multiple radios and many use transverters with or without transverter switchboxes. Stations may have separate radios for FM or single band stand-alone radios that don`t get switched.
I decided to provide computer control in the direction that would get the widest usage, from the computer to the station. A BCD band decoder is connected to the LPT port of the computer, that `switches in` the transverter of choice. When you change bands in VHFLOG, the decoder`s output will also change. This type of switching is used by HF contesters to automatically switch antennas when changing bands. VHFLOG will control all bands with the appropriate decoder/switchbox. Note: Damage can occur if you hot-switch your equipment without proper sequencing. Read this about hot-switching (#4).
Computer control in the opposite direction requires CAT radio control (not supported) and consideration of all station configuration possibilities.
I tested the band switching function with the original
Top Ten Devices band decoder. For another BCD decoder that you can build, see N3FTI`s LPT interface - or contact Steve at n3fti at
Win7 and Win8 OS band switching is supported using a CanaKit UK1104 USB I/O Controller.
Important note: A 12V/1A supply and J1 at position `B` is required for relay operation.
Q: Why can`t I get the band switching decoder to work?
A: 1) Verify that LPT pin 18 is used for ground.
2) Apply +5V to the BCD inputs to see if the decoder works.
3) Turn on the encoder in the logger under the Bands menu.
4) If using USB control, verify that the UK1104 controller is listed in the Device Manager and you have the right COM port selected. When USB cables are removed and replaced, sometimes Windows will assign a different COM port to your device.
Q: Is there an HF logger available?
A: Yes, use GenLog to log in 400 HF contests and activities.
Q: Is there a Rover category version of VHFLOG?
A: Yes, use KM Rover. Enter your call as urcall-R or urcall_R in the setup screen.
If you used VHFLOG as a rover instead of KMRover, you can exit the logger and re-start it, edit the grid you are moving to, and continue.
Q: Do you have log scoring software for contest sponsors?
A: Cabrillo Evaluator scores Cabrillo logs for hundreds of contests.
Q: How can I delete the temporary/dummy log files that I don`t want?
A: File maintenance is best done in the file manager, Microsoft Explorer (My Computer). In Explorer, View | Folder options | View tab, uncheck `Hide file extensions` so you can view the file extensions. Then click [OK]. You can also delete the log files with .BU1 and .BAK extensions when you are finished with them. Deleted files are put in the Recycle Bin. If you want them back, open the Recycle Bin, click the file(s) you want restored and do `Undo Delete` or `Restore`. Files that could be deleted within VHFLOG are not `restorable`.
Q: What is a Cabrillo file and when is it used?
A: The ARRL and other sponsors require computer generated LOGs to be submitted electronically instead
of on paper.
To send the file to the ARRL:
A new method recently required is the on-line upload for ARRL contests: Read more in the Nov 2016 QST page 82. Fix any submission errors or requirements and re-submit.
The file must be the Cabrillo format. The Cabrillo file contains both a summary and the log file. VHFLOG writes the Cabrillo LOG file and uses [urCall.log] as the filename. The file must be checked and possibly edited before you E-mail it. Check the rules for submissions for the contest in question. Unlike other electronic LOG files, the Cabrillo file does not contain QSO points, nor indication of when mults were worked. Using this file, log checkers will score your log and do cross checking for accuracy.
File write error?
When operating portable, you cannot enter a slash in your callsign in the setup form. The callsign is used to name files written by the logger. Using W3KM as an example, W3KM/5.log is an illegal Windows filename. Use W3KM-5 (or W3KM_5) in the setup screen. Keep in mind that you cannot use CW macros that call <yourCall> however - enter your portable call into a CW memory as text instead. After writing the Cabrillo, verify the log. VHFLOG changes the OPERATOR: field and changes the dash (or underscore) to a slash in the rest of the log.
Hint: Using VHFLOG`s default grid from datafiles:
VHFLOG uses several data files to bring up the default grid square. It is up to you to
<Enter> the correct exchange. When you QSL a message, it is understood that you received the correct grid square, not just <Entered> the default. If you <Enter> the wrong grid the first time you work a station, VHFLOG will continue to use that grid on other bands.
Q: Can I use long log filenames in the logger?
A: Yes - but keep them simple so the text fits in the existing display fields. Using names that tell you what the contest is {2014janvhfss.lgg} {arrl_sept_qso.lgg} is
Q: Can I select a different sound card when using the DVK?
A: There isn`t a setup in the logger to do this. To select a different sound card, use the Windows device selector. Right-mouse on the Speaker/volume control in the taskbar and select Properties, Audio, Default device.
Hint: COM port wiring connections:
This stuff is in the Help file as well.
RTS/DTR for CW/PTT: these lines are software reversible in the COM port setup.
Some USB to serial adapters do not work properly. Known to work properly are interfaces with the FTDI chips like the VScom USB to serial port adapters.
Legacy real COM ports:
DLPORTIO may not be supported in newer OS.
The VB MSComm control is used for CW/PTT on newer PCs. The third party DLPORTIO driver is required only when using legacy real COM ports in the upper `Real COM ports` section. To try using the top section setup, DLPORTIO driver software [port95nt.exe] is here.
For newer PCs, you would use the lower `USB and other COM ports` setup. This can be USB interfaces, USB to COM serial adapters or real COM ports. Select USB from the combo-box and select or enter the COM port number displayed in the PC`s Device Manager. Select the RTS/DTR reversal switch as necessary.
Q: Why is the CW irratic and garbled.
A: 1) Other applications and firewalls can cause timing problems. I disconnect from the Internet and turn off other programs when necessary.
2) Do you have the keying weight set near 1.00 - it does not need to be set too far from 1.00 to work correctly. I use 1.10.
3) RF can get into the PC and keyboard via the connecting cables, which will trash the CW keying.
4) On some PCs, the UTC clock update can cause timing changes in CW. In the Options menu, select the option to turn off the time update during CW. After clicking the selection, click the Options menu name again to see your selection.
Q: Why the `divide by zero` error in CW Cal or Test?
A: A blank [Cal Constant] value in the CW setup will cause a `divide-by-zero` error. Use 1000 and do the Calibration. The constant is from the old days when PC processor speeds were a lot slower.
Interface ports:
1) Use a USB port for USB CW/PTT interfaces.
2) Use a USB to Serial COM port VScom converter for COM port CW/PTT interfaces via a USB port.
3) On older PCs with a real COM port, standard serial interfaces may work.
4) If running the logger on Linux with Wine, only USB serial communication works.
COM port DB-9 connections are:
CW - DB9-7
PTT - DB9-4
Common/Grnd - DB9-5
CW/PTT (DTR and RTS) connections are software reversible in the COM port setup.
Questions, comments or problems:
w3km at verizon dot net