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CW Links Of Interest
Commercial Radio KPH Coastal Telegraph Station
Guglielmo Marconi   Biography - Nobel Prize in Physics 1909
Guglielmo Marconi - A Web Tribute
Guglielmo Marconi - Listen to his voice 
Morse Tidbits  Great Reading -- History and more
Morsum Magnificat  The Morse magazine archive
Porthcurno Telegraph Museum  Cornwall, England
Pre-Morse Telegraph Equipment
Society of Wireless Pioneers
Telegraph History  U.S. telegraph history
Telegraph Lore
The Art & Skill of Radio Telegraphy 3rd Edition  by William G. Pierpont, N0HFF
The Canadian Railway Telegraph History Website  The 1923 Phillips Code
The Modern Practice of the Electric Telegraph, 11th edition, 1881
World's First 3D Virtual Reality Telegraph Key
Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi