W.I.A. WA.  Post Office Box 10, West Perth, Western Australia, 6872.  Email: [email protected]   http://www.wia.org.au/vk6
Wireless Institute of Australia - Western Australian Division
Western AustraliaWestern Australian Minutes - This Month
Minutes of Council Meeting - August 2003
Held at CWA House, Hay St., West Perth
The meeting commenced at 1940 with the President, Neil VK6NE in the chair

Neil VK6NE,   Christine VK6ZLZ,   Eddie VK6ZSE,   Trevor VK6HTW,   Neil VK6BDO,   Dennis VK6KAD,   Tony VK6TS,  
Cliff VK6LZ,   and Bruce VK6OO, (2100)

Apologies:   Malcolm VK6LC,   Roy VK6XV.

The minutes of the July meeting, were read by Neil VK6NE.

Business arising:

1.1 (2.1.4 & 4.7) Cliff VK6LZ reported that Trident Insurance Brokers have been provided with the information requested by our existing insurers and who have quoted as follows:

for $10M Public Liability at $1562.84 (an increase of $651.21 over last year which was not a full year, this equates to a pro-rata increase of 21.5%)

for Personal Accident at $957.83 (an increase of $135.30 or 16.45%)

This is a total of $2520.67.

The Broker informs us that other Insurance Companies were invited to quote but declined. 
Council accepted the quotes. 

***ACTION Cliff VK6LZ to deliver Cheque to Broker

1.2 (2.1.5) Neil VK6NE reported that the SEANET convention committee had not been aware of the comments contained in the letter that accompanied the refund cheque from the SEANET convention treasurer.

1.3 (4.7) It was reported that David VK6WT was now at home recovering from his recent major surgery and had expressed his thanks for the get well card.

(2) Correspondence - Neil VK6NE

2.1 Neil reported on some E-mails he had received.

2.2 A request for a VK 6 representative on the Strategic Committee for Future Federal WIA Planning. 
It was proposed by VK6NE/VK6ZSE that David Jones be elected - Carried.

2.3 A request from VK2 Division for access to the VK6 Member List to enable checking of discount entitlement on purchases from the bookshop. This was denied as it was felt that a request from the member for their membership number or an AR Wrapper should suffice, Federal office could then confirm that, that individual member was currently financial.

***ACTION VK6NE to reply

2.4 Letter from VK1 Division re a Major W.G. Ward - No action.   It was noted that both Christine and Roy had written to the Major on separate occasions.

2.5 Note from ACA re late payment fee for Commercial Licences was being inserted in some amateur renewal notices.

2.6 Request from David Jones for E-mail copy of VK6 minutes. - agreed. 

***ACTION VK6ZLZ to add David to VK6 Council distribution list.

2.7 Two letters requesting Call Books (must await Roy's return).

2.8 Overdue Telstra Account - No action as this has already been paid.

(3) Broadcast Officers Report - Dennis VK6KAD

3.1 Previous problems with broadcast transceiver seem to have all been solved.

3.2 Tape provided for Introduction to RD Contest is not correct, but correct version is to be downloaded from (a news broadcasters only) Q-news site. 

(4) Membership Report - Christine VK6ZLZ

4.1 Application for Membership -
SWL Mr. Claude Endersby of Balga proposed VK6ZLZ/VK6ZSE carried.

The above member was warmly welcomed.

4.2 An Email from a possible member seeking the Division's privacy guidelines prior to applying for membership has been replied to by VK6ZLZ.

(5) Federal Report - Trevor VK6HTW

5.1 Report on Recent Federal Council Teleconference.

5.2 Federal financial budget expecting a loss has made a small profit.

5.3 There has been a succession of E-mail copies from VK3 division urging the Federal President to chase up the ACA.

(6) Education Report - Neil VK6BDO

6.1 Current AR Courses are proceeding well with no problems.

6.2 Two Candidates are taking 5WPM Morse TX/RX exam shortly.

6.3 The WARG exam team leader Peter VK6HAO is very ill at present. 
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Peter.

In view of the possible shortage (due to illness) of Exam Invigilators the following volunteers were endorsed by the council: 
Team Leader: Neil VK6BDO. 
Cliff VK6LZ, Christine VK6ZLZ, Dennis VK6KAD, Peter VK6PEC. 
Proposed VK6BDO/VK6ZSE Carried.

***ACTION: Christine VK6ZLZ to notify Federal Office.

(7) General Business

7.1 Neil VK6NE enquired of the whereabouts of a number of old Divisional trophies, however there appeared to be no trace.

7.2 Christine VK6ZLZ reported that she had obtained a DVD copy of the video "The World at their Fingertips" at a cost of $50.00. Copies of this in either DVD or VHS would be $22.00 each from the same supplier, so Council was asked if anyone had the where-with-all to make copies. 
VK6KAD said he could read the DVD and make VHS, so if anyone would like a copy would they contact Dennis and supply the tape.

7.3 Christine showed some colour samples of the WIA Logo in Red, Green and Blue.

7.4 Dennis VK6KAD reported that a copy of Break-In from New Zealand had contained an order form for their Call Book he suggested that the WIA should borrow the idea.
***ACTION Neil VK6NE to follow up.

7.5 Trevor VK6HTW reported that further to the closure of Carine College, the Northern Corridors will loose their club facilities at the College from 31.12.03.   Alternative arrangements (A Whiteman Park lease) are being actively followed up.

7.6 Eddie VK6ZSE reported that John Martin (Federal Technical Advisor) is asking for updates of Beacons and Repeaters.

7.7 Trevor VK6HTW reported on NCRG Exam results with one new NLAOCP and two upgrades to AOCP.

Next Exam is 23.08.03
NCRG Offer of Invigilator for WARG if VK6HAO still sick.

7.8 Neil VK6BDO reported that the results of the examination held on the 28.06.03 were received by candidates on the 04.08.03 although the letters were dated two weeks earlier.   There were three passes.

7.9 Neil VK6BDO reported that he had seen a training video from the USA called "U CAN DO" it comprises 6 tapes at $US36.00 each and appears to be worth obtaining.

***ACTION: Neil VK6BDO to follow up supply and cost

7.10 Neil VK6NE enquired of VK6ZSE as to when we could expect to see VK6 notes in AR, Eddie would like some input from the members and clubs.

(8) Treasurer's Report - Bruce VK6OO

8.1 The treasure requested authorisation for the following disbursements:

P38. Federal Convention Expenses                  $   638-50
P39. CWA Meeting Room August                   $     33-00
P40. ACA Licenses for VK6BBS/VK6DLX    $   142-60
P41. Public Liability/Personal Accident Insur. $2,520-67
P42. Copy AR video Tape to DVD                  $     50-00
Proposed VK6HTW/VK6KAD - Carried

(9) Meeting Closed at 2140

(10) Next Meeting 2nd September 2003

VK6NE (President) …………… VK6LZ (Min Sec) …………………… 
Email: vk6council at wia.org.au    or    Packet: VK6WIA at VK6BBR

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