The Reading Radio Club
ARRL Affiliated since Feb 17th 1922
Current Bulletin
By:  RRC Bulletin Committee
        The PRIMARY purpose of The Reading Radio Club Bulletin, is to provide, to the membership, timely information about the activities of the Reading Radio Club, Inc.

        IN ADDITION, the RRC BULLETIN provides an easily searchable and accurate historical record. The RRC strongly recommends membership in the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) as well as membership in a local Amateur Radio Club. The READING RADIO CLUB BULLETIN is copyright © 2024 by the Reading Radio Club, Inc. Opinions expressed in the RRC BULLETIN are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Reading Radio Club, Inc, the RRC BOD, or the RRC membership. Material from this RRC BULLETIN may not be reproduced in whole or part, without permission.

The RRC Bulletin is published monthly by the RRC Bulletin Committee.  Articles / Ideas can be sent to [email protected].   All submissions must be received by the 25th of the month to be considered for inclusion in the RRC Bulletin.  The editors appreciate sooner rather than later.