The Reading Radio Club
ARRL Affiliated since Feb 17th 1922
Next General Meeting:  August 9th, 2024 - 7:30 - Berks AG Center
Topic:  TBD
Next Board Meeting: August 6th, 2024 - 7:30 PM ZOOM
Next FLDIGI:   August 1st, 2024 7:30 PM 146.91
Next Simplex Radio Test:  August 10th, 2024 1 PM 146.55 / 446.00
Next VE Testing Session:  08/03/2024 - 9 AM (Arrive 8:30) - See VE Exams Page
HamFest:  August 3rd, 2024 - Heritage Park
Welcome to the Reading Radio Club, Inc's Website.
We invite you to look around.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

-- Repeater --

146.910 MHz.
 - 600 kHz.
PL Tone 131.8 Hz.

-- Weekly MOTA --
(Meeting On The Air)

Every Friday that we do not have an in-person meeting.
Net starts at 8:00pm on the RRC Repeater.
You do not need to be a member to join us!

[email protected]
Are you (or a friend) looking to get your technician license?

We are looking to have a technician class.

We are hoping to have a class in September with a test session (for all levels) at the end of the class.

Please contact Stuart Higgins, W2SLH at [email protected] for more details.

Please be sure to sign into Ham Club Online. If there are any errors, please send an email to us at [email protected] and we will correct the relevant fields. Once you sign in, you can update your email / phone. (Please note, these are not accessible to the public or other members. This helps us to get information out to you quicker.)
RRC Donation PayPal Link
The Bulletin article from 2016 showing the club's March 10, 1921 founding date can be found here: