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"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

Welcome to Midwest Section of ARMS. Be sure to visit the KA2RMS ARMS Website.

Many pages here (News, Midwest Section Pictures, DMR) have been updated!

  Home   Doctrine Statement   History   Prayer Requests   Officers   Nets/Section Reports   News   Links
  Midwest Section Pictures   DMR   Contact Us




Midwest Director
Bruce Wahlin


Midwest Net Manager
John Hegeman


Midwest Secretary
Position is Open


Midwest Chaplain
Neale Thompson


Midwest Assistant Director
Craig Rose




KA∅RMS Webmaster
Contact Webmaster


Join the ARMS Midwest Net on HF, 3.905.5 MHz, every Saturday Morning at 7:00 AM CST/DST. Everyone is welcome to check-in.

This is a time to share what is happening in your life, catch up with others and meet new friends. Prayer requests are welcome. And if you like you can share a Scripture Verse during your turn.

Browse our 'Nets/Section Reports' webpage for more details.

Neale Thompson - K0LHJ informs us that on December 7th, 2024, at 11:00 am, the Pilots for Christ International, Inc. - MN Chapter will hold their Christmas Gathering at the
Airlake Airport in Lakeville, MN.
This event will be held in the same Hanger as our
2024 ARMS Annual Meeting & Meal was held at.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Click on link below for Hanger Location.
Hanger Meeting Location.

Tom Hauskins - AA0LF, ARMS President plans to attend the
3900 Club HAMBOREE on October 19th, 2024
The 3900 Club HAMBOREE 2024 is being held in Boone, IA.
(Look for the ARMS Table)

3900 Club Hamboree, Saturday October 19th, 2024
Sponsor: 3900 Club
Location: Boone County Fair Community building,
1601 Industrial Park Rd. Boone, IA 50036.
Doors open to public @ 8 AM to 1 PM

For more details, click on the below links.
Click Here for Hamboree Flyer
Click Here for Website details.

Check out our 'News' webpage for other upcoming hamfest information.

The Midwest Section of ARMS is looking to fill the position of Secretary.
Click here for information.

Our Midwest Section is looking for Members to fill the roll of
Net Controls and/or Alternate Net Controls.
Contact Bruce K0GE or Craig KC0YHU with your inquiries.

Check back often for more exciting news!

Webpage updated 10/14/2024