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"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

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Webpage updated 01/18/2025

Upcoming 2025 Hamfests in Iowa

February 22nd, 2025 - The Winter RF Fest, Perry, IA
Click here for webpage    Click here for Hamfest Flyer

March 1st, 2025 - The Southwest Iowa ARC Hamfest, McClelland, IA
Click here for webpage    Click here for ARRL Posting

March 15th, 2025 - The MARC 36th Annual Swapmeet, Oskaloosa, IA
Mahaska Amateur Radio Club will host their 36th Annual Swapmeet, March 15th, at
The American Legion Hall, 302 High Ave. East, Oskaloosa, IA.
The American Legion Hall is one block south of highway 92 and one block east of the city square.
Check back here often for further details as they become available!

April 26th, 2025 - The Des Moines Radio Amateurs Association Hamfest, Des Moines, IA
Click here for webpage   

August 2nd, 2025 - The 2025 Cedar Valley Amateur Radio Club Hamfest, Central City, IA
Click here for webpage   

August 23rd, 2025 - 54th Annual Davenport Radio Amateur Club W0BXR Hamfest/Flea Market, Davenport, IA
Click here for webpage    Click here for Hamfest Flyer

September 20th, 2025 - The S.A.R.A. Hamfest, Sioux City, IA
Click here for Facebook webpage    Click here for ARRL Posting

For your viewing pleasure pictures, when available, are listed on the events below.

Current Events

Previously Attended Events

2024 Pilots for Christ International, Inc. - MN Chapter Christmas Event

Midwest Director Bruce Wahlin K0GE and his wife Pam were able to attend this year's
Christmas party put on by the Pilots for Christ International.

In Bruce's description of the event he said; "We had a great time with Neal (K0LHJ) and the
Pilots for Christ at Airlake Airport (LVN) near Lakeville, MN. It was their annual Christmas potluck.
Neal opened and closed in prayer. Neal Preached a very good message and we extended a invitation
to send up volunteer FCC certified examiners to give their whole group the Amateur Radio No Code
Technician class License! The group met at our favorite hanger and ate promptly at 12 noon.
Entertainment was provided by a member to the Twincity Brass Band and all were content
with a gorgeous fall day reaching 53°!"

Check out the Pictures that were taken:
2024 Pilots for Christ International, Inc. - MN Chapter Christmas Event

2024 - 3900 Club HAMBOREE

ARMS Members in attendance were: Lew Orcutt N0CXY, his son Brian Orcutt, and Tom Hauskins AA0LF - ARMS President.

The Hamboree was held in a different building this year, due to a wedding party using the Main building.
But there still were tailgaters outside with goodies for sale.
Brian Orcutt won a Door Prize also. Congratulations Brian!

Check out the Pictures that were taken:
2024 - 3900 Club HAMBOREE, Boone, IA

2024 - 40th Annual Southeast Iowa Hamfest

ARMS Members in attendance were: Midwest Net Manager John Hegeman W0BIZ and
Tom Hauskins AA0LF - ARMS President.

It was a little thin inside for vendors,
but there were tailgaters outside with goodies for sale.
Plus, Tom won the 3rd place Grand Prize this year. Congratulations Tom!

Check out the Pictures that were taken here:
2024 - 40th Annual Southeast Iowa Hamfest, Columbus Junction, IA

2024 ARMS Annual Meeting & Meal

It was a beautiful day, gorgeous weather, on September 7th for the 2024 ARMS Annual Meeting and Potluck
meal at the Airlake Airport in Lakeville, MN.

Our event was hosted by Neale Thompson K0LHJ and Pilots for Christ International, Inc. - Minnesota Chapter
in a near new Hanger on the south side of the runway. Neale is our Midwest ARMS Chaplin and a member
of PCI, MN.

Upon arrival we received a warm welcome by PCI folks. They had the barbecue grill cooking hot-dogs and
hamburgers and had all the fixins and refreshments setup inside for everyone.

From our viewpoint we got to watch a lot of aircraft taking off and landing, during the day, and got to watch
a few PCI folks fly in and join us for the event.

After a blessing, by Neale, over the food and event everyone enjoyed a hearty meal and much conversation.
As we finished up eating, Neale introduced Tom Hauskins AA0LF, President of ARMS, to speak about us and
our history. Steve Olson President of the PCI MN Chapter followed Tom and gave a presentation on the history
and purpose of PCI and their MN Chapter. Several PCI members also spoke and related stories on Mercy and
Compassion Flights they had been on.
An interesting side note is that both Tom and Steve had met, in the past, at fly-ins.
Around 1:00 pm Neale closed in prayer this portion of the event praying over both ARMS and PCI, MN and safe travels home for everyone.

ARMS members then gathered and had their meeting next; performing elections as needed, discussing next
years meeting place and other pertinent items. Bruce K0GE closed in prayer shortly after 1:30 pm.

Before we left we gathered next to one of the Jets, parked in the Hanger, for group pictures.
See the 2024 ARMS Annual Meeting webpage for all the pictures from the event and a list of ARMS
members in attendance.

ARMS members then departed; some going home, some to their motel and some went to see a
“Bank Raid Reenactment” for the Defeat of Jesse James Days in Northfield, MN.
They reported later that it was crowded but got to see a great show!

A Big Thank-you to Pilots for Christ International, Inc. - Minnesota Chapter for being such gracious hosts and for
providing all the food and meeting location!

Please click on the Picture below to view a brochure for Pilots for Christ, MN Chapter.

PCI Brochure

2024 - 53rd Annual Davenport Radio Amateur Club W0BXR Hamfest/Flea Market

ARMS Members in attendance were: Midwest Net Manager John Hegeman W0BIZ and
Tom Hauskins AA0LF - ARMS President.

Unfortunately no Pictures were taken of ARMS Members at this event.
The Guys were busy meeting folks and having a great time!

But a couple Pictures were snapped, of the event, and may be viewed here:
2024 - 53rd Annual DRAC/W0BXR Hamfest, Davenport, IA

2024 Cedar Valley Amateur Radio Club Hamfest

The 2024 CVARC Hamfest was held August 3, 2024 at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Central City, IA.

ARMS Members in attendance were: Max Finck W0QCB, Lew Orcutt N0CXY - ARMS Webmaster and
Tom Hauskins AA0LF - ARMS President.

Pictures may be viewed here: 2024 CVARC Hamfest, Central City, IA

It is with great sadness that ARMS announces that Carol "Mickey / Mema" Orcutt,
Wife of Lew Orcutt "N0CXY", passed away peacefully on Wednesday, July 3, 2024
at Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Moines surrounded by her family.
Our Thoughts and Prayers are for Lew and his Family.

You may Click Here for Obituary Information, Send Flowers, and Sign the GuestBook.

A PDF of the Funeral Program is provided by Clicking Here to view or download.

2024 DMRAA Hamfest

The 2024 DMRAA Hamfest was held April 27, 2024 at the IA State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, IA.

In attendance this year were ARMS President Tom Hauskins AA0LF and Dr. Tom (Doc) Gruis K0HTF.

Tom commented that they had a great time and recruited a new member N0OOD, Scott Kirstein from Ankeny, IA.

View the Pictures here: 2024 DMRAA Hamfest, Des Moines, IA

MARC 35th Annual Swapmeet

MARC's 35th Annual Swapmeet was held March 16, 2024 in Oskaloosa, IA.

ARMS President Tom Hauskins AA0LF, Jim Davidson KC0DD, Midwest Assistant Director Craig Rose KC0YHU, and Barb Rose KD0NEZ were the members in attendance. And Tom won a door prize this time.

During the 75 Meter Midwest HF Net Tom, using his laptop, had the ARMS Chat Room open and listening to the Net on the Utah SDR. Lots of folks stopped by to visit the ARMS table and learned about us.

View the Pictures here: 2024 MARC Swapmeet, Oskaloosa, IA

15th Annual Winter RF Fest

The Winter RF Fest was held February 24th, 2024 in Perry, IA.

ARMS President Tom Hauskins AA0LF, ARMS Webmaster Lew Orcutt N0CXY, Doc (Tom) Gruis K0HTF, and Midwest Webmaster Craig Rose KC0YHU were the members in attendance. And Doc won a door prize.

The hamfest was well attended and everyone had the opportunity to speak to lots of folks (and buy a few items).

View the Pictures here: 2024 Winter RF Fest, Perry Ia

ARMS's new BEAM Editor Doug Campbell KW9Q

Please click on this LINK for more information, meeting details and picture.

Former ARMS Secretary/Treasurer & Beam Editor, Roger Stubbe W0ZMU,
became a Silent Key on October 18th, 2023.

Our Thoughts and Prayers are for Joyce and the family.

Visitation and Funeral Service were held at the Jurrens Funeral Home of George on October 27th, 2023
in George, IA. Burial Ceremony took place at the Hope Reformed Church Cemetery, George, IA.

ARMS Members that were able to attend the Service were; Keith Sykora WAØJGT, Tom & Debbie Hauskins AAØLF, and Craig & Barb Rose KCØYHU & KDØNEZ.

A Second Visitation was held on Sunday Afternoon the 29th, at the Liberty E-Free Church, Pella, IA.
There were quite a few Hams there in attendance.

Click on the picture below for a PDF of Roger's Funeral Service Bulletin.

Roger's Funeral Service Bulletin

Link to Roger's Obituary at Jurrens Funeral Home

Roger Stubbe

3900 Club Hamboree

The 3900 Club Hamboree was held October 7th, 2023 in Boone, IA.

Barb Rose KD0NEZ, Tom Hauskins AA0LF and Craig Rose KC0YHU were the ARMS members in attendance.

And none of them won any door prizes, oh my, LOL.

Tom, Barb and Craig thought the hamfest was well attended and they spoke with lots of folks.

A laptop was setup showing off our National and Midwest Section Websites; https://qsl.net/arms & KA0RMS.org.

Also the laptop showed a picture of those who attended last years hamboree in Boone.

And playing in the background, for passers by, was audio of the ARMS 20 Meter Net from a Web SDR Radio site.

View the Pictures at: 3900 Club Hamboree Pictures web page.

Southeast Iowa Hamfest

The Southeast Iowa Hamfest was held October 1st, 2023.

Tom Hauskins AA0LF was the only ARMS member in attendance. An he did not win any door prizes, HI HI.

Tom said the hamfest was well attended and he had the opportunity to speak to lots of folks.

Pictures are available at: 2023 SE IA Hamfest Pictures

Davenport Radio Amateur Club 52nd Annual Hamfest

The DRAC Hamfest was held August 26th, 2023.

In attendance were Tom Hauskins AA0LF, John Hegeman W0BIZ, Barb Rose KD0NEZ and Craig Rose KC0YHU.

John W0BIZ had the pleasure of winning the 1st Place Prize of a HT radio.

Check out the Pictures at: 2023 Davenport Hamfest

2023 CVARC Hamfest

The CVARC Hamfest, was held August 5th, 2023 at the Linn County Fairground, Central City, IA.

We were treated with Max Finck W0QCB joining us at the ARMS Table. We also celebrated Max's Birthday while she was there!

Those in attendance were: Midwest Net Manager John Hegeman W0BIX, Midwest Director Tom Hauskins AA0LF, Max Finck W0QCB, Barb Rose KD0NEZ, and Midwest Assistant Director Craig Rose KC0YHU

Pictures may be viewed here: 2023 CVARC Hamfest, Central City, IA

2023 SWIARA Hamfest

On June 10, 2023, the Southwest Iowa Amateur Radio Association held their Hamfest.

The ARMS table was setup by Midwest Director Tom Hauskins AA0LF. Joining Tom at the event was Barb Rose KD0NEZ and her OM Midwest Assistant Director Craig Rose KC0YHU. Lots of good items for sale inside and tailgating outside. Tom won a Fifty Dollar gift certificate from ARRL, the lucky OM, HI HI.

See Tom with his "Prize" and other Pictures at: 2023 SWIARA Hamfest

Pilots for Christ & ARMS

On May 27th, 2023 Pilots for Christ International, Inc. - Minnesota chapter flew into Marion, IA.

Pilots for Christ Pilot Gary Rosth and Neale Thompson K0LHJ, who also is the Chaplain for Midwest ARMS, flew from Airlake Airport (LVN) Lakeview, MN down to Marion, IA to bring information on Pilots for Christ to and meet with Midwest Director Tom Hauskins AA0LF. Tom picked up Neale and Gary at the (C17) Marion Airport and journeyed to the local Pizza Ranch.

Barb Rose KD0NEZ and Assistant Midwest Director Craig Rose KC0YHU caught up with the Trio at Pizza Ranch for a great time of Fellowship, Conversation, Food and exchange of Information! Such a good time was had that everyone forgot to take any pictures...Tom later transported Neale and Gary back to the airport for them to fly
back home.

2023 Midwest ARMS Annual Meeting & the 2023 DMRAA Hamfest

Our 2023 Annual Meeting was held on April 22nd, 2023. The weekend of the DMRAA Hamfest in Des Moines, IA.
Midwest ARMS members were blessed this year with the Motel, Hamfest Venue at the Fairgrounds, and Restaurant/Meeting location located on the same street and within one block of each other.

Folks arriving Friday the 21st, from out of town, were staying at the Econo Lodge Inn & Suites Fairgrounds.
Anyone who was in the area Friday, were invited and gathered at 6:00 PM at the Econo Lodge Inn & Suites for a supper outing to the Pizza Ranch Restaurant in Altoona, IA. Those who car pooled to the restaurant (see Pictures here) were: Pamela Wahlin & her OM Bruce Wahlin K0GE, Deb Hauskins & her OM Tom Hauskins AA0LF, and Barb Rose KD0NEZ & her OM Craig Rose KC0YHU. Great conversation was had and too much food was consumed during this time.

Saturday Morning the Gals met at the Motel, for a road trip, while the guys went to the Hamfest.
Deb Hauskins, Pamela Wahlin, and Barb Rose carpooled to the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden (see Pictures here). There they were immersed in the richness of the tropics, complete with exotic orchids and other flowering plants, under a sheltering canopy of palms and trees. The experience they had was enhanced by the fact that when they arrived they did not have to pay admission. It turned out this was Earth Day 2023 and everyone got in free. So they got to follow along with the crowd of adults and children during the visit there. Upon finishing they traveled back to Papa Kerns Cafe, by the Fairgrounds, for the early afternoon lunch and meeting.

In the mean time the OM's met and traveled across the street to the Elwell Family Food Center in the Iowa State Fairgrounds where the 2023 DMRAA Hamfest was taking place. Those who made the Hamfest were: Roger W0ZMU, Craig KC0YHU, Tom AA0LF, and Bruce K0GE. (see Pictures here) The Midwest ARMS Table was already set up by Tom AA0LF early Friday afternoon and we made good use of it. After many conversations, shopping for items, and waiting for the Grand Prize Drawing the guys went across the street to Papa Kern's Cafe
to meet up with our YL's.

Lunch and Meeting; A reservation had been made at Papa Kern's Cafe, in their far backroom, for between 1:00
and 1:30 PM. (see Pictures here) A great meal and fellowship were enjoyed. Plus we had the room all to ourselves!

The Annual meeting took place after the meal; consisting of: reading of minutes, new or old business, discussion
of next years meeting, election of Officers (no change in current Officer positions) and adjournment.
Everyone gave their fair-wells and departed for home.

34th Annual Amateur Radio Swapmeet

MARC's 34th Annual Amateur Radio Swapmeet was held March 25, 2023. Hosted by the Mahaska Hams at the American Legion Hall in Oskaloosa, IA.

Present for all the buying were: Barb Rose KD0NEZ & OM Midwest Assistant Director Craig Rose KC0YHU, Midwest Director Tom Hauskins AA0LF, Jim Davidson KC0DD, and ARMS Secretary/Treasurer and BEAM Editor Roger Stubbe W0ZMU.

View the Pictures here: 2023 MARC Swapmeet, Oskaloosa, IA

14th Annual Winter RF Fest

The 14th Annual Winter RF Fest was held on February 25, 2023. Hosted by the Hiawatha Amateur Radio Club.

In attendance were: Midwest Director Tom Hauskins AA0LF,
ARMS Secretary/Treasurer & Beam Editor, Roger Stubbe W0ZMU,
Midwest Assistant Director, Craig Rose - KC0YHU and Barb Rose KD0NEZ.

Check out the Pictures at: 2023 Winter RF Fest

2022 Northeast Nebraska Hamfest, Norfolk, NE

Unfortunately Tom - AA0LF was not able attended the hamfest in Norfolk, NE this year.
Tom is looking forward to attending the hamfest there in 2023.

2022 W0BXR Hamfest

Present at the 51st Annual Davenport, IA W0BXR Hamfest were ARMS members: Barb - KD0NEZ, Craig - KC0YHU, Cynthia - WB9UMG, John - WB9RXK, John - W0BIZ and Tom - AA0LF.

The weather was super and there were lots of tailgaters and inside tables. Unfortunately none of the ARMS members were door prize winners, HI HI.

Pictures available for viewing: 2022 W0BXR Hamfest

2022 CVARC TechFest

ARMS members Tom - AA0LF and James - KC0ENR were able to attend the August Fifth Annual Midwest TechFest, Iowa State ARRL Convention in Central City, IA.

Tom said him and James had a great time at the hamfest. They were able speak with lots of folks and even do a little shopping.

Pictures: 2022 CVARC TechFest

2022 SWIARA Hamfest

ARMS members Tom - AA0LF, Barb - KD0NEZ and Craig - KC0YHU were able to attend the June SouthWest Iowa Amateur Radio Association hamfest in Creston Iowa.

Barb - KD0NEZ won a ARRL Gift Certificate for a door prize.

Pictures are here: 2022 SWIARA Hamfest

2022 DMRAA Hamfest

6 different ARMS members and family were able to attend this last April's DMRAA hamfest at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines Iowa. It was fun getting together with fellow members and shopping for much needed ham gear, HI HI.

Those who attended were Craig Rose KC0YHU, Dennis Jones KK0DJ, Tom Hauskins AA0LF, Barb Rose KD0NEZ, Roger Stubbe W0ZMU, Dr. Tom (Doc) Gruis K0HTF, and Dennis's Son, Daniel Jones KF0DNY.

Check out a couple of Pictures of the gang at: 2022 DMRAA Hamfest

2022 Mahaska Hamfest

ARMS members Roger - W0ZMU, Tom - AA0LF, Barb - KD0NEZ and Craig - KC0YHU were able to attend the March 19th Mahaska Hams 23rd Annual Swap Meet (hamfest) in Oskaloosa Iowa.

Barb - KD0NEZ won a ARRL License Plate & Bracket for a door prize.

Pictures for your viewing: 2022 Mahaska Swap Meet

2021 Northeast Nebraska Hamfest, Norfolk, NE

Tom - AA0LF attended the hamfest in Norfolk, NE on November 20th, 2021.

Tom stated it was a great time and he looks forward to attending the hamfest there in 2022.

2021 Southeast Iowa Hamfest, Columbus Junction, IA

The 37th Annual Southeast Iowa Hamfest was held on October 3rd, 2021.

ARMS members in attendance were: Midwest Net Manager John Hegeman W0BIZ, Midwest Director
Tom Hauskins AA0LF, Barb Rose KD0NEZ, and Midwest Assistant Director Craig Rose KC0YHU.

 2021 Southeast Iowa Hamfest is the place to see the pictures from the hamfest!

2021 Midwest ARMS Annual Meeting

Midwest ARMS's Annual Meeting and get-together was held on 6/5/21. Eleven folks were able to make the meeting.

Message from our Midwest Director, Tom - AA0LF;
The Get-Together and Meeting in Mason City was wonderful. Sorry, some of you could not make it. We are planning next year's Get-Together and Meeting in Woodbury, Minnesota. It will be sometime in September.

Here are the Pictures from this year's gathering: 2021 Midwest ARMS Annual Meeting