NSARA Charter


  1. The name of the Society is The Nova Scotia Amateur Radio Association.
  2. The objectives of the Society are:
    1. To provide a medium through which the viewpoints of amateurs throughout the province may be obtained and communicated to national amateur organizations, the Department of Communications and other bodies, as appropriate, with recommendations for action.
    2. To provide a medium through which repeater frequencies maybe coordinated
      within Nova Scotia and in cooperation with adjacent areas; and through which the planning and implementation of networks may be carried out.
    3. To achieve and maintain satisfactory repeater coverage throughout the Province by assisting local clubs and groups to establish and upgrade repeater facilities as needed.
    4. To provide a medium for liaison between Nova Scotia amateurs and the Emergency Measures Organization (NS).
    5. To inform the public about amateur radio and its importance to the community.
    6. To keep amateurs throughout Nova Scotia informed about activities within Nova Scotia and elsewhere.
    7. To assist and provide coordination for clubs in conducting educational activities at the local or regional levels.
    8. To attract new entries into amateur radio on a province-wide basis.
    9. To foster acquaintance, fellowship and exchange of views and information among amateurs through out the province.
    10. To acquire by way of grant, gift, purchase, bequest, devise or otherwise, real and personal property and to use and apply such property to the realization of the objects of the Society.
    11. To buy, own, hold, lease, mortgage sell and convey such real and personal property as may be necessary or desirable in the carrying out of the objects of the Society.
    12. To undertake any activity consistent with the societies Act that will be for the benefit of amateur radio throughout the Province.

Following are some of the activities in which the NSARA has participated during the past couple of years:

  1. In line with objective (2)[a], we have directors that liaison with RAC, IPARN, ISC, etc.
  2. To achieve objectives (2)[b,c] we have a Director that is UHF/VHF frequency coordinator for Nova Scotia who also coordinates with N.B. and P.E.I. .
  3. There is a Director who is EMO liaison in accordance with (2)[d].
  4. There is also in the process a Net to inform all amateurs of the activities planned in the province.
  5. To foster interest and to give out information about the N.S.A.R.A. there are Directors elected from 15 of the 17 active Clubs in the province. These Directors pass on information to the members to keep everyone informed, which covers (2)[e,f,g,h,i].
  6. As far as (2)[j,k,l] are concerned, these are done as needed basis.
  7. Every year in August the N.S.A.R.A. Sponsors a Hamfest which is held in various locations in the province. At this event admission is free to all members of the N.S.A.R.A. There are contests such as a Fox Hunt, CW Contest, Home Brew Contest, etc. and a BBQ lunch is served free courtesy of the N.S.A.R.A. This event is sponsored by a club that has volunteered to put it on and the N.S.A.R.A. picks up the tab.
  8. The Association also sponsors help to clubs in installing and upgrading Repeaters, Packet Nodes etc. When this is done the N.S.A.R.A. agrees to help with 50% of the cost up to a specified amount, in return the club agrees to give the N.S.A.R.A. ownership of the equipment if the Club should fold. There is a provision that the limits can be overlooked in special cases by a full meeting of the Board of Directors.
  9. There is also another provision in the constitution that 5 members can nominate a Director. If more than 20 directors nominated then there is an election and only 20 directors are elected
  10. The Association is at present on a membership drive and one of the things it is doing is letting clubs collect membership dues and splitting them 50/50 with the NSARA.
    Nova Scotia Amateur Radio Association

This article was updated on June 19, 2023