Eastern Pennsylvania Amateur Radio Association 

In Search Of Amateur Radio Excellence



EPARA has served the amateur radio community in the Pocono Mountains for over 25 years.
We have been an ARRL affiliated club since 1995.   We offer opportunities for learning and the advancement of skills in the radio art for hams and non hams alike.   EPARA supports Monroe County ARES/RACES in their mission of providing emergency communications for served agencies in Monroe County.   Feel free to join us at one of our meetings or operating events during the year.

We have begun to meet in person again, we still offer remote access to our meetings Via Zoom.  To join our Zoom Meeting please use the link below.

Meeting ID: 854 6334 6031  Password: 244632 

Join us 

EPARA meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Monroe County 911 Control Center. The meetings begin at 7:30 P.M. EPARA does not have a meeting in the month of December.

Monroe County 911 Control Center
100 Gypsum Rd., Suite 201
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
(Snydersville Exit on Rt.33)


All Are Welcome    

You do not have to be a licensed Amateur Radio operator to attend.
Talk-In is on VHF 147.045MHz PL-131.8 linked to UHF 447.225MHz PL-131.8.
Come and join us for an evening with the one of the most active Amateur Radio Clubs in North East Pennsylvania.

Local Nets:

Monroe County ARES-RACES – Sundays 8:30 PM WX3OES Repeater 146.865 MHz, PL 100 Hz
SPARK Information/Swap Net – Tuesdays 8:30 PM WX3OES Repeater 146.865 MHz, PL 100 Hz
EPARA DMR Rag Chew - Wednesdays 8:30 PM HotSpot Only
TG 3149822
EPARA Tech Net – Fridays 8:30 PM WX3OES Repeater 146.865 MHz, PL 100 Hz


Eastern Pennsylvania Amateur Radio Association
PO Box 521, Sciota, PA 18354

Board of Directors

President - Ed Hugele - KC3OLB
Vice President - Pete Scarfaro KB3YKJ
Secretary - Kevn Forrest  W3KCF 
Treasurer - Mike Oprihory
Board Member at Large 
Chris Saunders AJ3C


Email  n3is@qsl.net

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