Wireless Institute of Australia
Western Australian Division

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Western AustraliaVK6 - Minutes this Month - October 2003
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Minutes of Council Meeting 7th October 2003
Held at CWA House, Hay St., West Perth

The meeting commenced at 1940 with the President, Neil VK6NE in the chair

Neil             VK6NE,        President
Malcolm     VK6LC,        Vice President
*Roy           VK6XV,        Secretary
Christine     VK6ZLZ,      Membership/Web Master
Trevor         VK6HTW,    Federal Councillor
Neil              VK6BDO,    Education Officer
Dennis         VK6KAD,    Broadcast Officer
Cliff              VK6LZ,       Minute Secretary
*Bruce         VK6OO,      Treasurer
Eddie            VK6ZSE,     WESTAC
Tony             VK6TS.       Councillor

The Division is governed by a Council consisting of President. Vice President, seven Councillors, plus *two Ex-officio Councillors.

Apologies     Nil
Visitor          Nil

(1)    MINUTES:
The minutes of the September meeting, were read by Neil VK6NE.

Business arising:

1.1        Training Video (1.7) Neil VK6BDO reported that he is still awaiting Information from USA.

1.2        Exam Results (5.2) Trevor VK6HTW reported that the results of the
exam held 23.08.03 were received on 28.09.03 although the accompanying letter was dated 16.09.03.

1.3        Web Site (Awards) (7.2) Christine VK6ZLZ reported that set up work continues (see also below)

1.4        Divisional Officers’ possible liability insurance cover (7.3) Cliff VK6LZ
has still to action.

The Minutes were accepted (VK6BDO/VK6KAD)

(2)    CORRESPONDENCE    Secretary:- Roy VK6XV

2.1        Application for Membership.

2.2        Three Applications for Exam Invigilators.

2.3        Letter from VK2 re JOTA.
             Letter from Girl Guides re JOTA.



3.1    There was a problem with the loading of the last newswest to the internet - investigations in hand.

3.2    VK6KAD informed council that due to JOTA commitments on the 18 & 19.items for the broadcast will close on the Thursday Night 16.10.03.


4.1    Applications for Membership -

    VK6KPS    Phil Southerland
    VK6XH      Keith Bainbridge
    VK6YDH   Glenn Bathols
    VK6AXB   Anthony Benbow
    VK6GM    Robert Malabar
    VK6PJ       Richard Watts

Proposed VK6ZLZ/VK6LC- Carried

The above members were warmly welcomed.


5.1    Neil reported that there were two exams held by WARG last night on the 6.10.03, (2 x Novice, 1 x Regs, 2 CW) official results are awaited.

5.2    Neil also reported the following problems:
    (a)    The late arrival of the exam papers for last night’s exam which were
posted on Friday by the Exam service, was noted. Had the team leader not
phoned the local post office and gone to collect them, the exam would have had
to be cancelled.

    (b)    That the Peel Group had had to postpone an exam scheduled for Saturday the 13.09.03, for which the papers did not arrive until the following Monday.

It was noted that the promise of one day delivery by Australia Post only applied from City CBD to City CBD.

5.3        Trevor reported that from the last NCRG exam, there were two AOCP passes, one CW Tx pass, and one failed Regs and Novice.

6.1        Trevor reported on the Special Federal meeting held in Parramatta, to discuss the WIA response to the ACA discussion paper.

This was attended in person by VK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 whilst VK6 and 7 were alleged to have attended by conference telephone call due to the short notice.  However
the only input from VK6 was in answer to a brief phone call regarding point 5. 
It is also believed that two of the Directors could not make it.

Trevor is still awaiting official confirmation of what was decided (he has received
an email stating some of the points).

Trevor stated that his enquiries resulted in Air fare quotes of $745 outgoing and $540 (or $350 midnight) return which also would have required a day off work.
Since he had not had confirmation from federal on who was paying it was decided
to miss out.

He understands that it was decided to go for two tier licensing although it is believed that VK4,5,6 want three tier including the Foundation license.

Neil VK6NE has already asked for the minutes of the Federal meeting in order
to inform our members.


The treasurer requested authorisation for the following disbursements:

    P.44    iiNet       Extra Storage                          40.00
    P.45    ACA       License VK6OTN                   63.10
    P.46    Telstra    Membership/Web Phone      119.30
    P.47    CWA      October Meeting Room          33.00
    P.48    Telstra    Secretariat phone                 133.50

Proposed VK6ZSE/BDO  Carried

The treasurer reported that the balance of the Cheque Account was $2,768.00

Bruce commented that he is still waiting after two months for a reply from Federal office concerning what two invoices are for.


8.1    The pros and cons of the proposed Class licence were discussed by Council:

Bruce VK6OO said that AR Mag for May 1994 quoted the ACA as looking at a class licence on the grounds that 50% of Cbs were unlicensed and 75% of Marine Radios were unlicensed however it was thought that 100% of Amateur radios were licensed at that time.

The ACA said at the meeting in Perth on the 29.09.03, that the proposal for a class licence (pay once only) would include specific written rules for the Amateur Service (which would appear to provide a de-facto Operator License without the need to change the RADCOM Act) however a register of call signs and station addresses would still be required to be maintained.

This will still need exams, call signs and a register of stations. The ACA has said that this work would be outsourced.

8.2        The Contract for the WIA to hold examinations will expire next year. Federal will need to come up with a tender proposal very soon.

8.3        Tony VK6TS mentioned that information concerning BPL (Broadband over Power line network) is available on the ACA website in the form of a background report. This includes information on other countries.   Japan has banned it’s use.
 A web search on “Power line communications” could also be fruitful.

8.4        Dennis VK6KAD raised the issue of WIA attendance at the forthcoming Perth Hamfest. It is intended to Broadcast the VK6 News from the event.

Other council activities were discussed, it was decided to order three tables.
ACTION VK6XV to book three tables.

8.5        Membership Certificates.  It was reported that two new members have complained that they have not been officially acknowledged.
ACTION:    Membership Secretary to complete design of new Certificate and forward to new members ASAP.

8.6        VK6LC Mal (Federal Awards Officer) reported that the Awards details
on the Federal Web site had not been updated for twelve months in spite of his complaints, appears to be lack of direction.  
Together with Christine VK6ZLZ
they are not far off putting the Federal awards information onto the VK6 web site.

8.7        VK6ZLZ reported that to host the Federal awards (11 Mbytes) on VK6 website will require more storage at extra cost.  This should be a Federal decision for which we will need Federal sanction. In the meantime we are trying to get something done to provide a service to members. 
A link from Federal could be installed.

ACTION: Neil VK6NE to advise Federal of what we are doing.

8.8        A recent submission (on the discussion paper) to the ACA, by a private member was printed under what could be easily mistaken for an official WIA letterhead which included the WIA Logo. The submission was not approved VK6 policy.

It was pointed out that this member did not have council authority to use the
WIA Logo on letterhead, and that only the Divisional Secretary can send official correspondence with the authority of the President.

ACTION: The secretary VK6XV to contact the member and ask that he please advise the ACA of his error.

8.9        The secretary reported that he had video recorded the ACA meeting on
the 29.09.03 and that if there was any interest it could be copied to a VCD.

ACTION VK6KAD to mention on Newswest.

8.10    Christine reported on current website storage and costs etc.
ACTION: VK6ZSE Eddie to look into alternative costs.

(9)    Meeting Closed at 2140

VK6NE (President) .................... VK6LZ (Min Sec) ....................



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- This page Updated  12th October 2003
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