Wireless Institute of Australia
Western Australian Division

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Western AustraliaVK6 - Minutes this Month - December 2003
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Western Australian Division

Minutes of Council Meeting 2nd. December 2003
Held at CWA House, Hay St., West Perth

Visitors are welcome

The meeting commenced at 1940 with the President, Neil VK6NE in the chair

Neil           VK6NE         President
Malcolm    VK6LC         Vice President/Federal Awards Manager
*Roy         VK6XV         Secretary
Christine     VK6ZLZ       Membership/Web Master
*Bruce       VK6OO        Treasurer (attended from 2100)
Trevor        VK6HTW     Federal Councillor
Neil            VK6BDO     Education
Tony           VK6TS        Councillor
Cliff             VK6LZ        Minute Secretary

The Division is governed by a Council consisting of President. Vice President, and seven Councillors, plus *two Ex-officio Councillors.

Apologies:    Denies     VK6KAD     Broadcast Officer

Absent:    Eddie     VK6ZSE      WESTAC

Visitors:    Nil

(1)    MINUTES:

The minutes of the November meeting, were read by Neil VK6NE.

Business arising:
1.1   Training Video (1.1), Neil VK6BDO reported that the cost of the 5 Videos is $A1200

1.2    Divisional Officers’ possible liability insurance cover (1.2), Cliff VK6LZ has approached our insurance broker for information /quote and is still awaiting the receipt of forms to be completed prior to quotation.   ACTION VK6LZ to chase up.

1.3    Peel Group late arrival of exam papers (1.6)   This had caused postponement of exam, David VK4OF (Federal Director) will look into this but requires more information. Still awaiting reply.

1.4    Membership Certificates (1.7) Christine VK6ZLZ is still to complete new design.  ACTION VK6ZLZ (Shortly)

1.5.    Unauthorised use of WIA Logo/Letterhead (1.9)  The Secretary reported that he has had further correspondence with the member in question.       
No Further ACTION

1.6.    Member requesting Tax Invoice (2.2)    Done

1.7.    The following Exam Service Invigilators being members of the West Australian Repeater Group, have been confirmed: VK6LZ Cliff, VK6KAD Dennis, VK6ZLZ Christine.

The Minutes were accepted (VK6TS/VK6XV

(2a)    CORRESPONDENCE    IN    Secretary:- Roy VK6XV.

2.1        Member’s letter re 1.5 above.
2.2        VK4FJ Member Requesting Membership Certificate  ACTION VK6ZLZ.
2.3.        Request for Information on Exams from Rolf Nielson.
2.4        Various (30) requests for call books.
2.5        VK6VU - change of address
2.6        VK6GM (to VK6NE) request for information re repair of rig.
2.7        VK4DU reply to VK6NE re Sam Voron in Honiara.
2.8        VHF group re Beacon Frequency see below. (8.5)
2.9        From VK4 division a sample of their New member’s kit was passed around.



The treasurer requested authorisation for the following disbursements:

P.50    New member contra                                 71.00
P.51    ACA for Licence VK6RBP                      59.00
P.52    Trophy House Amateur of the year        45.00
Proposed VK6HTW/VK6BDO  Carried

(4)    BROADCAST OFFICERS REPORT - Dennis VK6KAD    No report

(5)    MEMBERSHIP REPORT - Christine VK6ZLZ    No Change

(6)    EDUCATION REPORT - Neil VK6BDO  /  Trevor VK6HAO

6.1.    Neil reported that the next examination is for seven AOCP theory candidates on 3.12.03. to be held by NCRG at Lynwood (Peter is a candidate). This will be followed on 13.12.03 at E. Cannington by an examination to be held by WARG for one AOCP Theory and six morse tests.

6.2.    Results from the WARG exams on 26.10.03 were:
1 pass 1 fail regulations
1 pass 10 wpm morse sending
1 pass 1 fail Novice Theory
1 pass in 5 wpm morse receiving
1 fail in 5 wpm morse sending

6.3.    Results from the WARG exams on 1.11.03 were:
1 fail 10 wpm morse receiving
1 pass 5 wpm morse receiving
1 fail 10 wpm morse sending.

6.4    No examination marking template has been received for the examination on the 3.12.03.        ACTION VK6NE to follow up.


7.1.    Minutes of recent Federal Sydney Meeting (on ACA submission) have still not been received.

7.2.    The expiry date for the Examination contract with the ACA is confirmed as December 2003, and the President has placed a submission for renewal, however
the ACA has not yet replied apparently due to long service leave of relevant staff member.

7.3.    Amateur Radio Magazine is looking for new Editor. (Colwyn Low wishes to Retire)

7.4.    Federal Convention is confirmed for Brisbane 2-4 April 2004.

7.5    BPL is being used in the USA and a company in Subiaco W.A. is selling devices.

7.6    VK3AVI is reported as a silent key.

7.7    A “QSO Party” to welcome newcomers to HF with the amalgamation of LAOCP  with AOCP and LNAOCP with NAOCP licences is planned for December 31st at 2400 Canberra Time (2100 W.A. time).
It is expected that all divisional W.I.A call signs will be on air and that there will be
a prize draw organised by Federal for those new to HF contacting said stations.. Details will be included in the Newswest broadcast when received.

VK6LC volunteered to man VK6WIA but will need help.    ACTION VK6KAD.


8.1.    The Federal Awards Manager gave a ‘Powerpoint’ presentation from a CD which contains details of awards. It is proposed to send the CD free to clubs on request. Council was of the opinion that the presentation was highly commendable.

8.2    The Secretary reported that the names of those to be recognised for their efforts with the Traveller’s Net were now known but would have to wait until the
new year.

8.3    Cliff VK6LZ reported that David VK4OF had mentioned to the Hills Group meeting that he was representing VK6 division on the committee looking at restructuring the Institute. According to the June Minutes this job was given to VK6NE who confirmed that that was his understanding.        
ACTION VK6NE to sort out.

8.4    The Hills Group submission on the Kalamunda Shire Mast Policy had been submitted and the group is awaiting a reply.

8.5    Divisional approval has been sought by the VHF group for a Beacon frequency of 144.564 Mhz. The beacon to be added to the licence currently held by the group for other frequencies at Mt.Barker.    This was approved.
ACTION VK6XV to confirm to the group enclosing a letter to the ACA endorsing this frequency.

8.6    One nomination has been received for the Jim Rumble Amateur of the Year Award, this was endorsed by Council and a presentation is to be made at the Christmas lunch meeting on Saturday.
The Nominee is Anthony Green VK6YAG for his outstanding work
in building and refurbishing repeaters and repeater cavities. Proposed (VK6NE/VK6HTW).
It was also proposed by VK6HTW/VK6BDO that a prize of one years’ membership of  the Institute be included. Carried.

8.7    Subject:        One W.I.A. As a National Body.

Neil VK6NE reported on the latest moves to achieve a National body.
He explained the current proposal, and the past history of attempts to resolve this over many years.

There is a lot of support for the proposal from leading AR Identities in the East.
Most of those involved are businessmen, one is a Lawyer.

A meeting is scheduled for next Thursday in Sydney to progress the proposal with possible telephonic hook-ups to other states.

Meanwhile VK2 divisional council have discussed selling their Parramatta property and could use the proceeds to improve their property at Dural. This would include office accommodation which could also be used by the proposed national body. (Note: later advice is that this may not happen due to planning permission problems)

It is thought that the VK3 Division is against the proposal, but it is suspected that ordinary members are unaware of the proposals and have not been informed or consulted as yet.

The proposed organisational structure will probably be similar to the NZART, RSGB and ARRL with a central body and branches replacing the divisions. However details such as what to do with divisional assets and, what responsibilities, funding, and representation the branches will have are yet to be worked out.

VK6 Division has been asked for input.   A discussion followed:

(9)    Meeting Closed at 22.15

VK6NE (President) ........................  VK6LZ (Min Sec) ..........................

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- This page Updated  8th December 2003
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