Wireless Institute of Australia
Western Australian Division

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Western AustraliaVK6 - Minutes this Month - 9th March 2004
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Western Australian Division

Minutes of Council Meeting 9th March 2004  
Held at CWA House, Hay St., West Perth

Visitors are welcome

The meeting commenced at 1935 with the President, Neil VK6NE in the chair.

Neil           VK6NE        President/ QSL/ Zone29Award Manager/ VK6 1-WIA Rep.
Malcolm    VK6LC        Vice President/ Federal Awards Manager
Cliff           VK6LZ         Minute Secretary
Christine   VK6ZLZ       Membership/ VK6 Website/ Federal Awards Website
Trevor       VK6HTW    Federal Councillor
Neil           VK6BDO     Education Officer
Dennis      VK6KAD     Broadcast Officer
Tony          VK6TS         Councillor
Eddie         VK6ZSE       WESTAC Chairman
*Bruce       VK6OO       Treasurer (from 21.00)

The Division is governed by a Council consisting of a President, Vice President and seven other Councillors, currently plus *two Ex-officio Councillors.

Apologies:   *Roy     VK6XV     Secretary/ Helpline
Visitors:       Kathi    VK6HKR

(1)    MINUTES:   
The minutes of the February meeting, were read by Neil VK6NE.

Business arising:

The use by VK7 of the same frequency as VK6 for 10m Repeater on a no

interference basis; It was accepted by the VK6 repeater manager that there should not be a problem as long as the VK7 repeater did not use the same CTCSS access tone.
ACTION VK6ZSE to inform VK7.

The Minutes were accepted as true. (VK6LZ/VK6ZLZ

(2a)    CORRESPONDENCE    IN    Neil VK6NE (in Secretary’s absence.

2.1        From VHF group requesting assistance with payment of 50% of 5 year Beacon Licenses.

Proposed VK6NE/LZ "That $780-00 being 50% of the VHF group's five year Beacon license fees be paid".     Carried
ACTION Treasurer

2.2        From Malcolm VK6LC, an obituary for SK Chuck Farkas VK6CF.

2.3.        From Graeme VK6BSL, enclosing a newspaper clipping depicting his Amateur Radio display which he is circulating around the suburban Public libraries.

2.4        Nominations for VK 6 Council (see below)

2.5    Various complaints of non-receipt of AR Magazine, to be passed to Federal.

2.6        From Will VK6UU, re International Beacon.

2.7.        From IARU, Re postal vote for President and Vice President:
Council Supported Larry E Price W4RA for President  and Timothy S Ellam
VE6SH/G4HUA for Vice President.   
ACTION VK6NE to reply.


2.8        To Mrs. Noseda: letter of sympathy on loss of her husband VK6NGN (SK)

2.9        To Mrs. Farkas: letter of sympathy on loss of her husband VK6CF (SK)

Proposed that correspondence be accepted; VK6NE/TS carried


The treasurer requested authorisation for the following disbursements:
P.4    CWA February meeting Room Hire                                                            33.00
P.5    VK6ZLZ Mobile Phone query to iiNet Internet provider (whilst on line) 15.98
P6    VK6ZLZ for Printer Ink Cartridge                                                               36.00
P7    WARG for five year News Repeater licenses                                        1509.20
P8    VK6NE reimburse VK6WI licence cost paid to ACA                                57.00
P9    Scout Assoc: annual Rent of Class Room at Hillview for Education.      480.00
P10   WIA Federal: Membership subs for Life Members                                440.80

Proposed VK6BDO/KAD Carried

Bruce also foreshadowed his annual report in that the division had had a good year with a couple of windfalls and a small profit which had increased the Division's net worth, without (again) requiring an increase to subscriptions.


Nothing of import except that there appeared to be accidental jamming of the two metre frequency towards the end of the news on the 7/03/04, which also made call backs impossible.


New Members:
VK6CX   Bruce Williams  (re joined)
SWL        Karen Williams (VK6CX Harmonic)
SWL        Brett Williams   (VK6CX Harmonic)
SWL        Harry Parker
SWL        Terry Marlow
SWL        Craig Studsor
SWL        Ron Brown
(NB all the above SWLs are currently attending the WIA Novice Class)

Proposed VK6ZLZ/BDO Carried  The new members were warmly welcomed to the Division.


6.1.    Neil reported that There were 9 candidates sitting 16 exams (including two
attempting 10 wpm morse) at the last exam, results are awaited.

6.2    The new Novice course has commenced with nine students.


Trevor reported that he had received various reports and motions for the Federal Convention, and asked for council guidance on the following;

7.1    From VK4 concerning recognition of students with a certificate of encouragement. - Council thought the wording was poor and could see no benefit
Vote NO

7.2    From VK3 produce cases for/against single WIA so that divisions can make informed judgement - Council thought the wording was poor. VK6NE referred council to 14 pages in March AR.
Vote NO

7.3    From VK3: Establishment of a separate organisation to tender for government contract for licensing etc.

VK6LC discussed the viability of setting up either an internal or external professional office to cover examinations, issue of call signs, maintenance of register and production of call book, licensing, etc. This must not affect member's assets. (could be handled by one professional person for $50k p/a)

Council thought that if the resources needed for a separate organisation were to be provided to the existing federal office, there would be no need to set up another organisation
Vote NO

7.4    From VK3: Outcomes of WIA policy decisions should be reviewed three months from AGM.

Council saw merit but thought that this had been tried before with little success - VK6UU had tried to have the Federal Policy Book reviewed to find out what policies had been decided in the past. This met with little support from other divisions.
Vote NO

7.5    From VK3: Effectiveness of WIA/ACA liaison committee should be reviewed. Preferably within three months of convention.

It was pointed out that the committee had not met with the ACA for the past two years.    Apparently the ACA do not want to meet, preferring correspondence.
Whilst the council thought that there might be a need for a committee to co-ordinate
approaches to the ACA, the current set up was dead in the water.
Vote NO

7.6    Trevor then went through the nominations for federal positions and how to vote was decided upon.

7.7    Council decided to again invite Peter Parker VK3YE to act as VK6 observer at the Federal Convention  (at his own expense)   
ACTION VK6NE to invite.


8.1.    The following ten nominations for the nine seat VK6 Divisional Council for 2004/05 were received:
Bruce VK6OO, Neil VK6NE, Malcolm VK6LC, Trevor VK6HTW, Roy VK6XV, Kathi VK6HKR, Neil VK6BDO, Dennis VK6KAD, Cliff VK6LZ, and Christine VK6ZLZ.
In order to save the cost of a postal election, Bruce VK6OO withdrew his nomination and assured council that he was willing to again serve as an Ex-officio member and treasurer.
In addition Neil VK6NE and Malcolm VK6LC have both nominated for the positions of President and this will be resolved by members at the AGM

8.2    Malcolm VK6LC  the Federal Awards Manager officially passed his 2004 printed report for the Federal AGM to Trevor VK6HTW the VK6 Division Federal Councillor. This printed 2004 report is to be returned to the Federal Awards Office in Perth. Mal commented on Federal Awards DXCC Certificate new design.

He then referred to use of VK6WI call sign (already
decided at previous meeting that it be used for special events with VK6WIA being retained for News broadcasts).

8.3    Malcolm then asked why the divisional licences had been changed from PO Box 10 to private addresses. It was explained that the ACA will no longer accept a post box as a station address.

8.4    Malcolm has arranged for an obituary for Chuck VK6CF (SK) to be placed in the AR and QST magazines with permission from the family.

8.5    Malcolm reported that Federal office had mistakenly recorded him as an official examiner, a position which he had declined and wishes to be removed from that list however he had nominated to be an examination marker and would appreciate confirmation.
ACTION VK6XV to notify Federal
The only registered marker for Perth was Neil VK6NE.   
Cliff VK6LZ offered to resign as an invigilator and volunteer as an exam marker. This offer was accepted
ACTION VK6XV to notify Federal

8.6    Malcolm suggested that we try and trace how many new members the Institute has attracted in the first five months since January 1 (dropping of morse code requirement). Carry forward.
Action VK6ZLZ

8.7    Proposed Constitution for National WIA
Malcolm discussed the proposal, and proposed the following motion:
"That the proposed constitution for a National WIA, be accepted by VK6 Council, ONLY after a full consultation with the members of the existing society's division AND subject to the provision of a suitable financial plan.
Proposed VK6LC/TS    Carried
Action: Trevor VK6HTW to take to Federal Convention

8.8    Dennis VK6KAD explained the background to the S group of call signs allocated to the Scouts and why it would be difficult to release some for general use - there was much discussion but no result.

8.9    Trevor VK6HTW reported on his recent visit to the Wyong Hamfest. He felt that it was not as well presented as the NCRG hamfest with little support for the vendors by the organisers, however it was presumably successful due to the larger population, however he enjoyed his visit.

8.10     Malcolm VK6LC thanked Kathi VK6HKR for her attendance.

8.11    Retiring Councillor Tony VK6TS said he had enjoyed his time on Council.

(9)    Meeting Closed at 2230 hours.

(10)    Next meeting:    6th. April 2004 (First Tuesday in April)

(11)    REMINDER that the Divisional AGM is Saturday the 17th. of April 2004 at 10am at CWA house.  And that the QUORUM is 25 members (the reduction to 15 was never processed at Corporate affairs)

Would those expecting to attend please inform Christine VK6ZLZ by E-mail  
[email protected]   or by phone 08-9458-6218 so that catering can be arranged.

VK6NE President   ………………    VK6LZ (Min Sec)  ……………

See Whats New  for Updates

Proxy for the AGM
AGM Notice.pdf 2004/5
Nominations - Closed

April 2004 AGM
April 17th
April 6th April 6th
March 16th
March 16th.pdf .html
March 9th
March 9th.pdf
February.pdf .html
January.pdf .html


December.pdf .html
July.pdf | Attachment
April 2003 AGM

Visitors Since 12th October 2003

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- This page Updated  21st  March 2004
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