Wireless Institute of Australia
Western Australian Division

Our Members are Important People, without you, Our Organisation has No Purpose
Western AustraliaVK6 - Minutes this Month - Special Meeting
16th March 2004 - Uncensored Version
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Western Australian Division

Minutes of Council Meeting 16th March 2004  
Held at CWA House, Hay St., West Perth

Visitors are welcome

The meeting commenced at 1935 with the President, Neil VK6NE in the chair.

Neil           VK6NE        President/ QSL/ Zone29Award Manager/ VK6 1-WIA Rep.
Malcolm    VK6LC        Vice President/ Federal Awards Manager
Cliff           VK6LZ         Minute Secretary
Christine   VK6ZLZ       Membership/ VK6 Website/ Federal Awards Website
Trevor       VK6HTW    Federal Councillor
Neil           VK6BDO     Education Officer
Dennis      VK6KAD     Broadcast Officer
*Bruce       VK6OO       Treasurer
*Roy          VK6XV        Secretary
The Division is governed by a Council consisting of a President, Vice President
and seven
other Councillors, currently plus *two Ex-officio Councillors.

Apologies:   Tony          VK6TS         Councillor
                     Eddie         VK6ZSE       WESTAC Chairman

Kathi         VK6HKR
                     Graham      VK6RO
                     Claude        SWL Member

Meeting Opened at 19.35pm

Full minutes will be released on the 5th of April after the Federal Convention, by
request of our President Neil VK6NE.

A bit late but this is it - 12th April 2004

Due to urgent Council Business the meeting was opened as a Short Business meeting.

(1)        Correspondence In:

1.1       Federal Convention Motion No.04.10.04 Proposed by VK2 that Direct Debit for Membership subscriptions be introduced.

ACTION:        After short discussion Federal Councillor advised to vote YES

1.2       Federal Convention Motion No.04.10.05 Proposed by VK2 that a Discount Card be introduced.

ACTION:        After short discussion Federal Councillor advised to vote YES

(2)        General Business

2.1       VK6NE Neil asked that the previous decision to use VK6WIA for News and VK6WI for special events be reversed: after much discussion (and two votes) it was agreed to use VK6WI for News so as to fall into line with other states and VK6WIA for special events.

At 1945 the Business Meeting closed and the President Suspended standing orders.

The proposed National WIA Constitution and various other documents recently received either by E-mail or downloaded from the Federal Web site were tabled, these having been previously studied by Council members.

The following are notes of the discussion as taken by Minute Secretary:

VK6HTW Trevor        Apologised for not bringing up the “Special Resolution” at the last Council Meeting due to not understanding it’s significance - thought it was merely a discussion point for the Convention.

VK6LZ Cliff                 I assume that the Directors to be named in the new constitution for the first 2-3 Years will be as nominated at the Convention

VK6NE Neil                Yes

VK6UU Will                Surely the new constitution won’t be accepted at the convention?

VK6NE Neil                That is the intention.


VK6UU Will                If the new constitution for a National WIA is accepted - what happens to VK6 Division?

VK6LC Malcolm         VK6 Division is a private company - we may not devolve - we are entitled to keep assets - we may act as advisers (if invited) - we may pass assets to local clubs.

VK6NE Neil                We may keep going with the Council made up of Local Club Representatives

VK6KAD Dennis         If we were a commercial company faced with a take over, the shareholders would decide.

VK6NE Neil/LZ Cliff               If VK6 members did not renew and joined the National body, the division would eventually “wither on the vine” (unless supported by the National body - no guarantee)

VK6KAD Dennis         Members do not know the detail (of the proposal) at present - no feed back.

VK6HKR Kathi           How will we be represented (at national level)? What funding will we get?          (with one member, one vote) they (eastern states) will outnumber (vote) us.

VK6NE Neil                We would be out on a limb - membership will no longer be state based. However what does the east get that we don’t at present? Directors don’t last forever.

VK6HKR Kathi           There will be more members in the east to vote for their local candidates (for Director).

VK6UU Will                What are Non voting members?

VK6NE Neil/HTW Trevor       Clubs (i.e Non-paying members).

VK6UU Will                (Concrete) proposals are finally on paper!

VK6KAD Dennis         With reference to request for comments on Marketing Plan by 9 am (EST) next day - have not had time (WST) to down load let alone comment.

VK6HTW Trevor        The email was too short and sharp. We need a permanent VK6 director (position on the board)

VK6UU Will                How are directors to be elected (after first 2-3 years)?


VK6KAD Dennis         Getting back to the constitution wording, I am not happy with the clause allowing the institute to get rid of members in 48 hours.

VK6NE Neil                This is no different from the old (existing articles).

VK6LZ Cliff                 We are discussing the new, forget the old, we need to get it right, if we don’t get it right we could lose even more members which will totally and finally destroy the WIA. There is no guarantee that existing divisional members would join the National body.


VK6UU Will                We (VK6) may end up with no representation.   Under current constitution (articles) the Federal Council hold the power and instruct the Directors.

VK6OO Bruce            Representation can’t be guaranteed.   But would other state members harm VK6? (member’s interests).

VK6HKR Kathi           What is available to VK6 to represent us?   Nothing.

VK6NE Neil                Later we can have reps.

VK6UU Will                They (Directors) will have total control of fees (amount).

VK6LZ Cliff                 If unhappy with fees for perceived service, the members will walk.

VK6NE Neil                The (current) Federal Component is the same for all divisions. The difference is the divisional component.

VK6NE Neil               Produced a comparison chart which showed wild fluctuations between divisions over such items as Audit fees, bank charges, and Insurance.          $000’s could be saved by having only one office.

VK6NE Neil                There should be lower costs therefore lower fees.

VK6LZ Cliff                 But we are yet to see a financial plan. We are told that it is being produced.


VK6NE Neil/HTW Trevor       Commented on costs.

VK6NE Neil                Main problem with current set up is that we don’t have a very good (proficient) office. We should bring in another Bill Roper (Past Office Manager)

VK6HTW Trevor        How do we stand at present?

VK6LZ Cliff                 Some years ago VK6 offered $10,000 to help fund a professional manager if the other states did likewise -no one took up the offer.

VK6UU Will                We (VK6Council) sitting round this table do a lot for VK6, (Under new set up) who will do it?   Where will money come from for “Local awards, local Web site, xmas dinner, et al.”

VK6OO Bruce            Maintenance of International beacon is carried out here, but we must not assume that they won’t pay in future.   Other organisations get grants from federal bodies.

VK6LC Malcolm         If we work as a representative of VK6 members, we could still run on the interest from investments. (some doubt was expressed)

VK6LC Malcolm         Who will pay for repeaters (we currently pay towards the licenses for some beacons and repeaters - VHF & WARG pay rest of costs).   Don’t see us disappearing, club reps could form committee. 


VK6HTW Trevor        If we have problems (with proposed constitution) we should raise an amendment motion (for the Federal Convention)

VK6LC Malcolm         The proposed motion (Constitution) must be better than we have now, we must try.

VK6HTW Trevor        Once we go National, our funds will be taken!

VK6NE Neil                Can’t without our say so.

VK6OO Bruce            We can continue to function.

VK6LZ Cliff                 We are a separate registered company.

VK6HTW Trevor        If passed (at Convention) they can’t force us to join.

VK6HTW Trevor        Can see the convention getting lost on first item.

VK6HTW Trevor        Getting back to amendments to constitution - suggest that one of the directors is permanent VK6 rep.

VK6UU Will                You will not get that through it will be voted down by other states

VK6KAD Dennis         If resolution to accept new constitution is passed, it will have no effect until the new constitution is registered.

VK6LC Malcolm         Produced an E-mail indicating that a certificate (to change) has already been lodged with the Victorian Attorney General.

VK6UU Will                If we vote for motion without going through the proposed constitution, we won’t be able to change it later.

VK6RO Graham          As an ordinary member I have not gone through the proposed changes, I shall be relying on the (VK6) News to tell me what changes we are proposing.


VK6HTW Trevor       Proposed amendments to Constitution so far are:

1.      Page 6             5.7       Change so that board must give reason for expulsion.

2.      Page 7             5.8(a)   Change 48 hours to 14 days.

3.      Page 9             8.3(b)   Change 100 members to more reasonable number.

4.      Include a clause to the effect that any Director who misses three (consecutive) meetings without leave will be retired.

5.      Include a clause that there shall be a Director to represent each State, this would mean more Directors.

VK6NE Neil               We have agreed to the above amendments? Agreed. 


VK6NE Neil   Instruction that ‘Minutes’ are to go to attendees only.

Broadcasts prior to AGM only to state that the proposed National Constitution had been discussed and that VK6 were happy to support it’s adoption subject to amendments.   (But see below re 30 day rule)

VK6KAD Dennis         Will not be available for broadcast on the week end of the Federal Convention, VK6BDO Neil will cover.

VK6HTW Trevor or VK6NE Neil       To phone convention progress to VK6BDO Neil for “late breaking news”.

VK6UU Will                When a national organisation was proposed in the past VK2 and VK3 have vehemently opposed it

VK6NE Neil                VK2 have 12 clubs for it and they are leaning on their council to support it. VK3 appear to be against it.


VK6UU           If Special Resolution is passed, what is our (VK6) next step? What do we do at our first meeting after?

VK6LC Malcolm         We should carry on until new WIA is up and running - we will then decide if we continue as a division or a Perth Radio Club.

VK6UU Will                                First meeting after, what do we do?

VK6LC Malcolm                        Decision to wind up division has to go to members.

VK6HKR Kathi/LC Malcolm     What happens to member’s money already paid?

VK6LZ Cliff                              AR Mag has been paid for and should continue OK.

VK6UU Will                               We must know where we are going!

VK6OO Bruce                           We could live on interest for a while.

VK6NE Neil                               Discussed costing for Federal/National office.                                                      A Net Income of $117K has been suggested.

VK6UU Will                                What happens to Feds?

VK6OO Bruce                             It changes to National WIA.

VK6UU Will                                Where is incentive to change?

VK6OO Bruce             Perhaps we should change Federal Office Not Constitution.


VK6LC Malcolm         (The proposal) is good but there are loose ends, it will cost a lot of money to set up.  A paid professional should be engaged to produce a Budget and Financial Plan.   Don’t reject but it should be planned so that everyone understands what is to be done.

VK6UU Will                What happens if VK2 don’t join, they will loose the mechanism.

VK6HTW Trevor        If the proposal is taken to the ACA they will say you don’t have VK2 support.

VK6LC Malcolm         The voting has not been thrashed out yet.     Not yet designed.     Won’t suit VK6 with the Tyranny of distance.   How are we going to vote?   Not going to reject, but how is it going to happen?

VK6HTW Trevor        I will come back and tell you, but you might not like it!   VK6LC Malcolm to get wording for amendment on voting to HTW don’t try to make up as you go along.

VK6LC Malcolm         I belong to three similar organisations which use postal voting (could be used as an example).

VK6ZLZ Christine       Quoting from the “WHY” document, did not like suggestions on distribution of assets.

VK6UU Will                The National Constitution does not talk about distribution of Assets!

There was some discussion about voting no if we don’t get certain things and the complete uncertainty of what was going to happen at the convention.


VK6NE Neil                (Under the Federal Articles) We could withhold our vote for 30 days in order to consult with the VK6 council (and our AGM), however if as a result we are out voted by the rest - so be it.     This would allow us to listen to the arguments at the convention and bring them back to our Council.

VK6UU Will.               If our amendments are accepted are we going to accept or bring back for 30 days?   And if so how will this affect plans for 1st July ?

VK6HTW Trevor        What about other Division’s amendments   30 days?

VK6NE Neil                There should be proper minutes so we should know why an amendment was rejected.   (Federal Convention minutes).

VK6OO Bruce            The 30 day rule should be used sparingly as it could be seen as a delaying tactic.

VK6UU Will                Is this what we want to do?

VK6HTW Trevor        We have a Council meeting 2 days after the Convention.

VK6ZLZ Christine       Clubs do not pay but get no vote, why bother to affiliate?  Asked Neil How does NCRG feel about it?

VK6UU Will                In the ”WHY” document it suggests divisions should surrender assets, does our treasurer think we should follow up?

VK6OO Bruce            Why assume that the National body won’t support us?

It was decided to listen to convention debate and argument and to invoke 30 day rule in order to get Council or AGM instruction.

Meeting Closed at 2220

E & OE

Neil VK6NE ………………..……… Cliff VL6LZ ……………..………….


Special Meeting minutes for general release as on the news this morning Sunday 21st March 2004.

"As we mentioned last week, (14th) the Council had to meet last Tuesday Night (16th) in order to discuss the Special Resolution about the adoption of the
proposed National WIA Constitution.

The draft of this and discussion papers are in the March WIA magazine - which
has begun arriving in WA at long last. 
It was delayed in Printing, and therefore
late in circulation.

The council also discussed two other motions, one to set up the option of direct debit to allow members to pay their subs if they so desire (this is NOT the same
as B-Pay)
the council decided to vote yes on this proposal.

The next motion was to Introduce an ID card for the benefit of members.
The council decided our delegate should vote yes to
this at the Federal AGM.

Discussion on the special resolution took place.

This resolution reads:

"Resolved to adopt the Constitution tabled at this meeting and
initialled by the chairman for identification in substitution for
the Memorandum and Articles of Association."

This resolution - if carried - would initiate the new National WIA.
This motion is legal, and can be voted on at the Federal AGM.
It requires 6 out of the 7 votes to be carried.

Your council is in favour of the National WIA in principle, but has some reservations over the draft constitution.

The VK6 council discussed the draft constitution for the National Body, and came up with some amendments which it was felt needed to be made to get it right.

Our delegate will move these at the federal AGM and apply our vote according to our perceptions and in the light of discussions on this topic at the meeting and in the light of possible amendments from other delegates.

What will our vote be?       Stay tuned!

We hope to tell you the result the weekend of the Federal AGM
which is the 4th of April - or the weekend after.

There is nothing like suspense to keep us amused......"

Meeting Closed at 2230 hours.

Next meeting:    6th. April 2004 (First Tuesday in April)

REMINDER that the Divisional AGM is Saturday the 17th. of April 2004 at 10am
at CWA
house.  And that the QUORUM is 25 members (the reduction to 15 was
never processed at Corporate

Would those expecting to attend please inform Christine VK6ZLZ by E-mail  
[email protected]   or by phone 08-9458-6218 so that catering can be arranged.

VK6NE President   ………………    VK6LZ (Min Sec)  ……………

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Proxy for the AGM
2004/5 Saturday 17th April
AGM Notice.pdf 2004/5

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March 16th Special
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- This page Updated  12th April 2004
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