Wireless Institute of Australia
Western Australian Division

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Western AustraliaVK6 - Minutes this Month - 12th May 2004
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Western Australian Division
Minutes of Council Meeting 12th May 2004
(continued from 4th May 2004)
Held at CWA House, Hay St., West Perth

Visitors are welcome

The meeting commenced at 1940 with the President, Neil VK6NE in the chair.

Neil           VK6NE        President/ QSL Manager / Zone29Award Manager
Cliff           VK6LZ        Vice President / Minute Secretary
Roy           VK6XV        Secretary
Trevor       VK6HTW    Federal Councillor
Kathi         VK6HKR    Membership Secretary
Christine   VK6ZLZ      VK6 Website / Federal Awards Website
Neil           VK6BDO     Education Officer
Dennis      VK6KAD     Broadcast Officer
*Bruce       VK6OO      Treasurer  

The Division is governed by a Council consisting of a President, Vice President
and seven
other Councillors, currently plus *one Ex-officio Councillor.

Apologies:   Will            VK6UU       Councillor
Visitors:       Eddie         VK6ZSE      WESTAC Chairman
                     Robyn        VK6XRE    (Nomination for National WIA Director)

(1)    MINUTES:
There being no corrections or matters arising the minutes of the March Council meeting were accepted VK6XV/VK6KAD

(2a)    CORRESPONDENCE IN        (Secretary:- Roy VK6XV)
2.1    The guidelines and procedures for marking of Amateur Examinations have been received from June Fox of Federal Office
ACTION Roy VK6XV to forward them to VK6LZ and VK6LC.

2.2    In reply to concerns raised by June Fox, it was confirmed by Council that there was no conflict of interest between VK6LZ being an Examiner, and his wife VK6ZLZ being an invigilator provided they did not attend the same examination in their respective official capacities.

2.3    A Mr Doyle had left a message on the answering machine enquiring about
examination exemptions, however the return number was not copied and the call could not be returned.

2.4    A nomination for National Director received from Robyn Edwards VK6XRE was endorsed by Council.
ACTION Roy VK6XV to forward (E-mail) it to National/Federal Council address list.


The treasurer requested authorisation for the following disbursements:
P.18    CWA for Council meeting room rent (April)                                             33.00
P.19    Telstra for Web Master/Membership phone                                         120.33
P.20    Telstra for Secretary’s phone                                                                 135.82
P.21    CWA for AGM Room and Catering                                                       270.00
P.22    Federal Councillor’s Airport Parking for Federal AGM                         56.00
P.23    C.S. Bastin (ZLZ) further AGM catering                                                 48.13
P.24     Cancelled
P.25    Railway Institute for Hire of Theatrette for special Meeting                 66.00
P.26    CWA for Council meeting room rent (May)                                             33.00
P.27    C.A. Bastin (LZ) Spec. Meeting Colour Transparencies, cups, biscuits 71.52
Proposed VK6BDO/VK6KAD  Carried

The Treasure sounded a warning that council should rain in expenditure.

It had been previously arranged that the Broadcast officer was to have half his phone rental and any Broadcast related phone calls paid for., to date the Treasure had not received an expense claim.
ACTION VK6KAD to present expense claim.

Since VK6ZLZ needed to retain the phone for the Web Master, it was agreed that the above arrangement  for the Broadcast Officer would apply to VK6HKR for Membership calls.

Dennis reported that he is still trying to get the hum out of his microphone, latest attempt resulted in reports of lower audio level.

(5)    MEMBERSHIP REPORT -  Christine VK6ZLZ
5.1    New Member    John Ferrington VK6HZ of Perth (Full Grade)
5.2    Latest Membership list received from Federal yesterday.
5.3    List of Changes of address and call sign upgrades sent to Federal Office
VK6HMN upgraded from an SWL L60432
VK6PEG   became VK6KWT
VK6NGW became VK6NX
UK6ZES   corrected to VK6ZES
VK6AR    moved to Mandurah
Proposed VK6ZLZ/BDO Carried
The new member was warmly welcomed and the upgrades were congratulated.
5.3    Christine has arranged to instruct Kathi on the requirements of the Membership Secretary’s position and to pass on the records, she also produced two examples for the new membership certificate and one was chosen.
ACTION Christine VK6ZLZ to prepare outstanding Certificates and pass to President for signature, and despatch.

Neil reported that one of his students had sat and passed his exam two weeks early, of the other students they will be sitting exams tomorrow.

Neil is now preparing for the next course.

Trevor said that (in the matter of the National WIA) he saw his job as sorting it out
on behalf of the West Australian members, He said he has had serious reservations
(about the documents presented so far), particularly concerning the proposed National Directors becoming the Division’s Council.

VK3 Division has been seeking legal advice and has been told that the documents are not worth the paper they are written on (particularly the Collateral agreement
in it’s present form). The Legal advice was that if an agreement is made which includes the death of the entity, then it is a non-event.

VK3 Division has come up with minimal changes to the proposed constitution which would, wipe out old proposed collateral agreement. Basically, the bottom line is that VK6, VK2 and VK3 divisions would stay as is, and operate as is, 99% of the proposed Constitution will remain. (They would  be funded by receiving 20% of the membership subscription for which they would still provide membership services as now).

Michael Owen is reported to have said that although he is not 100% happy with the
changes it will work.  However  there is a chance that members may opt out of the
proposed National body and stay with the Divisions for an initial fee of $15.
(NOTE -A subsequent E-mail from Michael Owen shows that he is 100 % against it).


We would be the service provider for our state, as would VK3, we would not have
to pay for their services. It would cut out all the committees. If it goes ahead (to the
continued Federal AGM phone hook-up on Sunday) the seven states will vote for it.

Bruce VK6OO asked if they think they can set it up under these conditions?
Trevor replied that VK3 are keen on it and are prepared to give $50 per (VK3) member as seed capital to start it off for the benefit of their members. Neil VK6NE said that Federal have $170,000 available now (in addition)

Christine VK6ZLZ asked if our members would still have to resign from the Division?

Trevor replied that he is not sure, but thought that there would be 99% no change to the proposed Constitution, he said that his position would go as Federal Councillor.

On the inclusion of the new Director’s names in the new constitution, Trevor said that he had REAL CONCERNS over the lack of information as to who they were, and what their qualifications and experience might be. He was upset that he did not have details of who they were and he needed to see their Curriculum Vitaes and names.

With the VK3 proposed amendments (known as Version 236) it would keep us as a viable body. VK2 and VK3 were also offering to invest more.

Bruce said that we should have faith to which Trevor replied yes but not blind faith,
to go ahead it needs six of the seven votes at the Sunday phone Hook-up, he thought it would get all seven.
Bruce said that we should go with the constitution with the unknown names.
Trevor agreed to go with it but was not happy.
Neil VK6NE said we should go along with the AGM special resolution.
Christine would like to see the final changes to the constitution.

Neil VK6NE asked if Council was happy to vote on Trevor’s proposal?
Trevor VK6HTW then put the motion:

“VK6 Council will accept the WIA National Constitution as presented tonight including the VK3 amendments known as version 236 dated 03.04.04”
Proposed VK6HTW seconded VK6KAD
Those in favour:
Neil         VK6NE
Roy         VK6XV
Kathi       VK6HKR
Trevor     VK6HTW
Neil         VK6BDO
Dennis     VK6KAD
Cliff         VK6LZ
Those against:
Christine VK6ZLZ (Not happy until she sees final version in black and white, before it’s signed)
Will VK6UU

(NOTE: This means that the Council has accepted the Constitution as modified in version 236, but not the collateral agreement which was previously rejected and will now need to be amended)
Trevor said that he cannot vote for it until the names of the proposed Directors are known so that the capability of the nominees can be judged.
Dennis asked what happens if it all falls through?
Trevor said we will remain with the status quo.

Neil VK6NE addressing  Robyn VK6XRE‘s nomination for director, asked for Council approval.
Proposed VK6BDO seconded VK6KAD and carried unanimously.
ACTION Neil VK6NE to forward nomination

Due to Trevor’s family commitments making it inconvenient at his place, the Federal AGM phone conference will take place at Neil VK6NE’s place at 12 noon on Sunday the 16th May 2004 Council members are invited to attend.


9.1.    Northern Corridors Radio Group
Trevor VK6HTW, reported on progress with the possible relocation of the NCRG to Whiteman Park.

9.2    There being a vacancy for Vice President, VK6NE Neil nominated VK6LZ Cliff  seconded by Trevor VK6HTW and carried.

Meeting Closed at 2128 hours.

Next Meeting 1st June 2004.

President VK6NE ..................... Minute Secretary VK6LZ .................
E & OE

Meeting Date  2004 Web page
May 12th
May 12th .pdf
May 4th
May 4th Westrail
April 2004 AGM
AGM.pdf .html
President Report .jpg WICEN Report .doc
VK6LZ 1 page VK6HTW 4pages updated VK6LZ 8 pages
April 6th April 6th
March 16th Special
March 16th .html
March 9th.pdf
February.pdf .html
January.pdf .html

December.pdf .html
July + Attachment
July.pdf | Attachment
April 2003 AGM

Visitors Since 12th October 2003

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- This page Updated  15th May 2004
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