Wireless Institute of Australia
Western Australian Division Inc.
Our Members are Important People, without you, Our Organisation has No Purpose
Western Australia VK6 - Minutes this Month - 2nd November 2004
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Western Australian Division

Minutes of Council Meeting 2nd November 2004
Held at CWA House, Hay Street West Perth
Visitors are welcome
Neil PenfoldVK6NE President
Cliff BastinVK6LZ Vice President/Minute Secretary
Roy WatkinsVK6XV Secretary
Neil HuskVK6BDO Education Officer
Kathi SuminerVK6HKR Membership Secretary
Dennis MuldownieVK6KAD Broadcast Officer
Christine BastinVK6ZLZ Website Administrator
*Bruce Hedland-Thomas VK6OO Treasurer
*Robyn EdwardsVK6XRE National/VK6 Agreement Co-ordinator
Trevor Ward VK6HTW  Ex Federal Councillor
Will McGhie VK6UU  AR Correspondent
*Wally Howse VK6KZ  National/VK6 Agreement Co-ordinator
Claude VK6NCE
Anthony VK6AXB

The Division is governed by a Council consisting of President. Vice President, and seven Councillors, also in attendance *two Ex-officio Councillors.

The President opened the meeting at 1940 hours

(1)   MINUTES:
The Minutes of the September Council meeting were assumed to have been read and were accepted by VK6KAD/BDO

Matters arising:
Item 7.2    Traveller’s Net – see below
Item 7.5    Neil reported that the call books should be available by the middle of November. (Again too late for Hamfest)

2.1        West Australian Repeater Group – Thanks for Donation
2.2        Peel AR Group - Thanks for Donation
Correspondence Received VK6XV/NE

Dennis reported that there was less trouble with the broadcast last Sunday.  
One of the relays is taking the National Broadcast direct from the internet.

(4)    MEMBERSHIP (Kathi VK6HKR)
Nothing to report

No financial movements

(6)    EDUCATION (Neil VK6BDO)
6.1    The AOCP course continues
6.2    The Morse code practice hosted by John VK6NT on Repeater VK6RAP at
7 to 8 pm Wednesday is continuing
6.3    The WARG hosted exams at the weekend resulted in two AOCP passes and one Novice failure.
There are 3 candidates for the exam to be held on the 13th November, and so far one candidate for December.
6.4    It has been reported that the last National marking session was for 320 exams
which appears to be an increase.

7.1    Recognition of Relay Stations
Dennis VK6KAD proposed that the work of the News Relay Stations should be recognised whilst the Division still existed.     It was agreed that Certificates of Appreciation should be prepared.
Action: The Secretary VK6XV

7.2    Co-Ordination of Repeater Frequencies
Cliff VK6LZ said that it had been reported at last night’s Repeater Group meeting that a request for the allocation of a UHF repeater’s  frequencies  had been endorsed by the WesTAC chairman Eddie VK6ZSE on behalf of the Division without reference to the Group.   

This is particularly worrying in the UHF band due to the lack of LIPD free frequencies.

For many years any request to the West Australian ACA (or predecessor) for the issue of a licence for a repeater in Western Australia has first been referred to the Division, which has then consulted the Repeater Group for co-ordination purposes before confirming to the ACA that the requested frequencies conform with the WIA band plan and that no problems are foreseen.

This raises the question, that, since the demise of the WIA Divisions, who will in future confirm to the ACA that any request for repeater frequencies conform to the WIA band plan, and will not cause interference to other repeaters on the same frequencies?

Does WESTAC in fact still exist ?
If it is decided that the ACA will in future get the required confirmation from the
National WIA (Perhaps consulting the successor to FETAC), where will local
input/knowledge be sought?

This could be via the West Australian Advisory Committee, and/or WARG.
Action: The Secretary VK6XV to write to the ACA (WA) pointing out the demise of the WIA Divisions, and recommending the West Australian Repeater Group should be consulted to co-ordinate the issue of repeater frequencies in Western Australia.     A Courtesy Copy should be sent to The WIA President VK3KI.

7.3    Further to above
Anthony VK6AXB enquired as to why the person concerned contacted Eddie VK6ZSE?     Robyn VK6XRE replied that her information was that a CB Club in the Northern Suburbs of Perth had been referred to the WIA by the ACA, but had gone direct to VK6ZSE as the WesTAC Chair. Since this had not gone through the WIA (WA) Secretary, no official letter of approval had been written.   Council also wondered why a CB club should be hosting an Amateur Repeater.

7.4    Divisional WEB Page
The Treasurer Bruce VK6OO reminded Council that an IINet Invoice for either $400 or $640 for the coming year would be arriving shortly  (currently paid up until the 27th November) and asked if this should be paid?     It had already been decided that the Federal Awards Page would be passed to Federal and no longer hosted by VK6 Division, but this has yet to be transferred.

The discussion then moved onto whether the division or it’s successor, needed a web site presence.    There was a perceived need for a local interest and possibly
an historical facility. Robyn VK6XRE (who is an ISP) offered space on her system at no cost if this was required.
Action Christine VK6ZLZ and Robyn VK6XRE to move data to Robyn’s system

In the meantime it was agreed that the IInet account be maintained on a month by month basis until decided otherwise. This will allow time to transfer the Federal Awards page to the National WIA, and the local data to Robyn’s system. 
This will also be affected by any decision to wind up at the December SGM.
Action Bruce VK6OO to pay IInet one month.

7.5    Travellers’ Net Certificates
Further to Council’s previous decision to recognise the work carried out by the
Traveller’s net, Roy VK6XV confirmed a list of the net control stations and helpers.
There were nine local and nine interstate stations.     Council decided to issue
Certificates of Appreciation for Services to Amateur Radio to the above stations.     In addition the Local station certificates were to be framed.
Action the Secretary Roy VK6XV to procure frames and write certificates.

7.6    National WIA.
The President Neil VK6NE gave an update on what was happening;
(i)    On Saturday 30.11.04 NSW held their AGM attended by 60 members.    
Since their assets were not at issue, it had been agreed to sign the
National WIA Implementation Agreement
(for =  38 + 143 proxies, against = 19 + 42 proxies, abstain = 3).
(ii)    The picture in VK3 is similar to VK2
(iii)    The National President Michael VK3KI had said that the number of renewals joining National was hard to measure, however at the 15th October 2004 there was a total of 2,220 members (including provisional and life members).    
This compares with 3,863 members at the 30th September 2003 to which should be added 1,000 not yet due. This would equate to approx 4.47% less members.  There have also been 240 new members this year.

Special General Meeting      4th December 2004
Council Meeting                    7th December 2004

(9)    The meeting closed at 2025 hours

After Robyn explained what was to be mailed out to members concerning the SGM, those present proceeded to label and stamp envelopes and insert the letters which were then mailed from the West Perth Post Office.

VK6NE President                               VK6LZ Minute Secretary              
E & OE

Meeting Date 2004 printer Web page
November 2nd November 2nd .pdf .html
October 5th October 5th .pdf .html
September 7th September 7th .pdf .html
August 21st SGM August 21st SGM .pdf .html
July 27th July 27th .pdf .html
VK6 Agreement To Be Re-Negotiated .html
July 6th Notes .html
July 6th .html
June 29th Notes .html
June 29th .html
June 15th Notes .html
June 15th .html
June 1st Notes .html
June 1st   .html
May 12th May 12th .pdf .html
May 4th Westrail May 4th .pdf .html
April 2004 AGM AGM .pdf .html
April 2004 AGM President Report .jpg WICEN Report .doc
VK6LZ  1 page VK6HTW  4pages updated VK6LZ  8 pages
April 6th April 6th .html
March 16th Special March 16th .html
March 9th.pdf .html
February.pdf .html
January.pdf .html
2003 printer
December December.pdf .html
November November.pdf .html
October October.pdf .html
July + Attachment
July.pdf | Attachment
April 2003 AGM

Visitors Since 12th October 2003

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Email:   vk6advisory@vk6.net  |  Website:  http://www.vk6.net

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